An interesting aspect of a few series, like ones belonging to the Dragon Ball franchise, is that the dialogue fans might come across on the show is likely to always surprise, entertain or positively intrigue them. Additionally, the situations in which such dialogues are present are fascinating to analyze, since most interesting discussions tend to take place mid-combat.
The Dragon Ball franchise certainly falls into this category, with many of its most talkative characters showing a unique side of themselves while talking mid-fight. Coincidentally, there are also combatants within the series who maintain a calm, quiet focus throughout any fight they’re in, no matter how big or small it is.
Here are five Dragon Ball characters who barely talk, and five more who talk too much.
Jiren and four other Dragon Ball characters who barely talk
1) Hit

One of Dragon Ball’s quietest characters is Hit, the silent-but-deadly assassin from Universe 6 who even gave Goku a run for his money. He’s a man of few words who rarely spoke during his initial introduction.
Even in the arcs following his introduction, Hit still speaks very little, always getting straight to the point when he does speak. Luckily for him, he is strong enough to let his fists do the talking most of the time.
2) Kid Buu

Throughout Kid Buu’s time as Dragon Ball Z’s final antagonist, he does not utter a single true word to enemies Goku or Vegeta. Instead, he communicates with grunts, laughs, and other noises which don’t rely on the use of actual words.
Like Hit, however, he’s strong enough to be able to get away with being a man (or rather, an alien) of few words, letting his fighting do the talking instead. He’s also one of the few characters in the series to never say a word during his entire time in the franchise.
3) Jiren

While Jiren does grow more talkative as the Tournament of Power arc progresses, he’s initially an incredibly quiet and reserved participant. He rarely even speaks to his Universe 11 teammates, let alone engaging with or acknowledging the enemies he must face in the Tournament.
While Goku does get him to eventually start speaking, he continues to use his words sparingly, and is far from having a legitimate conversation with Goku. It’s not until he actually recognizes his former opponent as a friend that Jiren decides on having full-on conversations with him.
4) Monaka

Mysterious fighter Monaka initially appeared in Dragon Ball Super as Beerus’ trump card for the Tournament of Destroyers, piquing Goku’s interest. However, despite the Earthbound Saiyan’s attempts at striking up a conversation, Monaka ignores him entirely and doesn’t say a word.
This continues throughout the arc, even after Hit fakes being affected by Monaka’s attack in order to help his enemy keep up his lie. In the final moments of the arc, it’s revealed that he’s Beerus’ landscaper, when he finally speaks his first words as an affirmation of the requests Beerus makes of him.
5) Grand Priest

Finally, while certainly being more talkative than almost every other character on this list, Dragon Ball Super’s Grand Priest still speaks for an unsettlingly small amount of time. Instead, most of the time, he creepily smiles in response to questions, sentences, or events happening around him, even when they directly involve him.
This was such an unsettling and frequent occurrence that fans, at one point, theorized the Grand Priest to be a villain rather than an ally. While this doesn’t seem to be the case, the character still speaks sparingly.
Krillin and four other Dragon Ball characters who talk too much
1) Bulma

Whenever Bulma is on screen, she always seems to have just as much, if not more, dialogue than every other person in the scene. This has been a constant from the original Dragon Ball through Dragon Ball Z and Dragon Ball Super, despite her less frequent appearances with the franchise’s progression.
Nevertheless, she’s still incredibly talkative in every scene she appears in. Whether angry, scared, happy, or somewhere between the three, she’s constantly talking up a storm in her increasingly sparse appearances in the franchise.
2) Goku

Dragon Ball’s protagonist Son Goku is most definitely one of the most talkative characters in the series. Even when fighting villainous enemies, he’ll attempt to converse with them, try to understand them, and get them to move past whatever it is that is pushing them towards harboring a desire to fight.
While this has very rarely worked for him throughout the series, Goku nevertheless continuously attempts it, incessantly instigating conversations with foes. He’ll likely never be able to change his behavior, subsequently solidifying himself as one of the franchise’s most talkative characters until the end.
3) Krillin

Whereas Goku's attempts at conversing with enemies during battle come from a place of strength and confidence, Krillin’s ramblings are often rooted in fear and terror of his enemy. This is especially seen during Dragon Ball Z, especially during his fights against Frieza and Android 18 within the series.
Although hilarious to see, it can get somewhat annoying after a while since Krillin never seems to adjust to the life he leads and the enemies it has him face. Nevertheless, it still qualifies him as one of the franchise’s most talkative characters.
4) Yamcha

On a similar note, Yamcha’s bravado and tall talk also often come out in fights where he’s actually scared or recognizes how outmatched he is. One major example of this is in early Dragon Ball Z, where he attempts to motivate his friends and convince them of their ability to defeat the Saiyan menaces before them.
However, this was quickly negated by the growth and attack of the Saibamen, who kill Yamcha without breaking a sweat. This is a trend which continues throughout Dragon Ball Z, until the later stages where Yamcha’s strength is so irrelevant, he skips the motivational stages altogether and goes right into panicking.
5) Vegeta

Vegeta is a particularly interesting case, as he becomes somewhat quiet outside of combat situations, but incredibly talkative when he is in the middle of one. Throughout the Dragon Ball franchise, Vegeta has likely made more mid-fight speeches than anyone, almost always seeming to be the one whom the responsibility falls onto.
While certainly a welcome reality for most fans, others tend to get annoyed with how constantly and consistently he’s seen to be speaking over combat sequences. Nevertheless, it undoubtedly solidifies Vegeta as one of the Dragon Ball franchise’s most talkative characters.