The Dragon Ball series is filled with powerful characters, and there are many moments where these characters are overcome with rage. Sometimes, that rage is justified and other times, it is not.
For example, when Goku first awakened the Super Saiyan transformation in Dragon Ball, he was incredibly angry. But this anger was completely justified since Frieza was terrorizing the people he cared about. Similarly, there are many characters besides Goku that have also experienced justified anger, and in this article, we will focus on Beerus.
Here are five occasions where Beerus's anger in Dragon Ball was justified, and five where he went too far.
Note: This article is subjective and opinions expressed are solely those of the writer.
5 times Beerus's anger in Dragon Ball was justified
1) Beerus gets angry at Frieza
Before the Tournament of Power, Frieza came into contact with Sidra, the God of Destruction of Universe 9. Frieza offered to join Universe 9's team and fight for them during the Tournament of Power.
When Beerus arrived, Frieza tried to lie to him about where the energy of destruction came from, but Beerus saw through his charade immediately. His threat towards Frieza possibly plotting to undermine him went unfinished as Goku quickly interrupted them.
2) Zamasu is exposed

Although he remained calm the entire time, Beerus was incredibly angry. Zamasu was trying to kill Gowasu, the Supreme Kai of Universe 10, so he could take his place and become more powerful by obtaining the Time Ring. Beerus despised Zamasu's lying and treachery. So, when he caught Zamasu, Beerus saved Gowasu's life and promptly erased him. His anger was justified this time.
3) Goku is casual with Grand Zeno

Throughout the Tournament of Power, Beerus was always fearful of Grand Zeno. This was understandable since Zeno was capable of erasing the entirety of Universe 7 in the blink of an eye. So, when Goku met with both Present and Future Zenos, Beerus freaked out and got angry at Goku. This was understandable since he was trying to protect himself and the rest of Universe 7 from being erased.
4) Beerus destroys Bulma's time machine

Since they were divine beings, both Beerus and Whis understood the implications of time travel on the flow of time. So when Bulma continued to use her time machine despite his warnings, he decided to end her time-traveling adventures once and for all. Beerus destroyed the power source the time machine needed to run, as well as the time machine itself.
5) Goku and Vegeta wake up Beerus

It is common knowledge that Beerus sleeps for a long time. In fact, Beerus woke up from a 39-year slumber in order to go searching for the Super Saiyan God.
During their training session one day, Goku and Vegeta were making a big ruckus. This kept on waking Beerus up, so he told them to keep the noise down. But they did not listen and carried on. In the end, Beerus yelled at them and threw an attack their way in order to stop their loud training exercises. Although the way Beerus handled the whole situation could be seen as an overreaction, he did tell Goku and Vegeta to quite down more than once, so they deserved it.
5 times Beerus went too far in Dragon Ball
1) Majin Buu refuses to share his pudding
During Bulma's birthday party, Majin Buu decided to hog all of the pudding for himself. Beerus and Whis went up to him and asked for a pudding cup, but Majin Buu said no and proceeded to lick all of the pudding cups. This infuriated Beerus and caused a fight between him and most of the party guests. Over a simple pudding cup, Beerus almost completely ruined Bulma's birthday party when he could have chosen to be mature about the whole thing and simply let it go.
2) Goku and Vegeta finish Beerus's pizza

While Goku and Vegeta were training with Whis, they ended up finishing all of Beerus's pizza. When Beerus woke up and learned of this, he chased them all over the floating island, causing a mess within the forest. Beerus should have remained calm and just had Whis go back to Earth and quickly get him more pizza.
3) Beerus slaps Bulma
Although Bulma did slap Beerus initially, she only did so because his immaturity ruined her birthday party. If Beerus had acted like the bigger person — as a God of Destruction should — Bulma would never have slapped him. However, Beerus deserves some credit for reigning in his power considerably so as to not hurt Bulma too badly.
4) Beerus argues with Champa

During the baseball games between Universe 6 and 7, Beerus and Champa began to argue, as siblings tend to do. However, it was not the proper time for the two to carry on like that since they were still in the middle of a baseball match and should have kept their anger in check and dealt with it after the event instead.
5) Goku punches Monaka in the face

After being told that Monaka was incredibly powerful, Goku naturally wanted to fight him. So, when Beerus brought him over, Goku attacked Monaka and ended up punching him in the face. Beerus got angry at Goku for this and hit him on the head.
It was not Goku's fault for not knowing that Monaka would not block the punch, especially as everyone was telling him that the latter was powerful. He thought he was going to fight a powerful person but ended up robbed of that chance.