Dragon Ball protagonist Goku has always had a kind heart. Goku loves to fight, but he spares (or at least tries to spare) many of his enemies throughout his adventures. Killing isn't first nature to the beloved Saiyan.
Although it sometimes comes back to bite him, Goku has saved many friends and enemies alike from death. This article will cover three characters Goku saved from dying and three who saved Goku to return the favor.
Three Dragon Ball characters that Goku has saved
1) Krillin

Goku's fellow pupil and long-time best friend has tried his best to keep up with the ever-scaling enemies in Dragon Ball. However, Krillin is only human. As Goku achieves new heights, Krillin slowly becomes a background character. Vegeta and Nappa killed most of the Z Fighters opposing them during their invasion of Earth. Krillin is badly injured but still alive when Goku arrives to take on Vegeta.
If not for Goku, Krillin's second death in Dragon Ball would have been at the hands of the Saiyan Prince. Goku protected Krillin from Vegeta's brutality, and Krillin contributed what he could during the fight.
2) Gohan

Goku arrived just in time to save his son from Vegeta. The young boy did his best to fend against Vegeta, but he was about to be slaughtered. This moment likely contributed heavily to Gohan's complex character development.
Being saved by his father from a terrible enemy must have deeply inspired Gohan, but his fear at that moment is unimaginable.
3) Mr. Satan (Hercule)

Somehow, Mr. Satan befriended Majin Buu. Reluctant at first, the human known for his false claims of defeated Cell began to admire Buu's childish innocence. After Buu turned into Super Buu, Goku protected Mr. Satan multiple times. We can't forget that Goku originally saved Mr. Satan by taking on Cell instead of letting Mr. Satan's ego get him killed.
Three Dragon Ball characters that Goku saved who later returned the favor
1) Piccolo

The Piccolo that we know in Dragon Ball Z and beyond began as Piccolo Jr., or "Demon Jr." The child of the Demon King Piccolo who Goku killed, Piccolo Jr.'s purpose in life was to kill Son Goku.
Goku defeats Piccolo in The Strongest Under The Heavens tournament in Dragon Ball. Kami Sama is preparing to kill Piccolo when Goku intervenes and gives the villain a senzu bean. Piccolo is spared and he leaves the scene.
On planet Namek, Piccolo throws himself in front of Goku to save him from Frieza's death beam.
2) Vegeta
Originally Goku's sworn enemy and rival, Vegeta eventually finds himself saved by Goku. After a tremendous battle to save Earth, Krillin is ready to land the killing blow on the defenseless Vegeta. Goku implores Krillin to let him live, claiming that Vegeta's death would be a waste of talent.
Vegeta escapes Earth and later fights alongside Goku many times. Vegeta even saved the lives of his fellow Saiyan from the androids, Cooler, and more.
3) Frieza

Goku and Frieza have perhaps the most legendary Dragon Ball fight on Namek. The two duke it out even after Frieza destroys the core of the planet, revealing that if the planet is destroyed, he will be able to survive in the vacuum of space. Goku gave Frieza a number of opportunities to call it quits when he could have easily finished him off.
Goku saves Frieza with a transferral of Chi, giving him enough energy to escape the planet before it explodes. Despite Goku's efforts, Frieza uses the energy from Goku to launch a final attack. Although Goku nearly killed Frieza, he saved him first.
In Dragon Ball Super, Goku has exhausted his strength in the fight against Jiran. Before the mighty warrior can finish Goku off, Frieza steps in to fight for him.
Note: The article reflects the writer's own views.