On Thursday, October 12, Dragon Ball Daima anime was finally announced. Fans eagerly awaited the announcement as information about it was earlier revealed at the Dragon Ball panel at the New York Comic-Con.
While fans were earlier hoping for a sequel anime for Dragon Ball Super, Toei Animation instead announced the Dragon Ball Daima anime. At first, fans were disappointed; however, their opinion changed after watching the teaser. The hype surrounding the anime has reached such an extent that fans started claiming that the new teaser was better than One Piece's Gear 5 moment.
Dragon Ball Daima teaser's response surpasses One Piece Gear 5 hype, claims fans
One Piece revealed Luffy's Gear 5 in August 2023. Compared to how much anime fans hyped up the moment, the actual moment was lackluster. It did not generate as much hype as the anime's producers would have expected. Since then, many animanga fans have started comparing their favorite series' best moments to One Piece's Gear 5 moment.
Another anime to join the trend is Dragon Ball Daima anime, as fans claim that the teaser itself was better than One Piece's most touted moment.
While One Piece's Gear 5 even struggled to surpass the new Naruto anime's hype, Dragon Ball Daima teaser became #1 on Trending on YouTube in just nine hours. Another fan claimed that the anime actually managed to become #1 on Trending in just one hour. That said, there is no proof to back up that claim.
Some fans even claimed that Luffy's Gear 5 moment was never iconic. It was just the One Piece fans who had been trying to hype up their anime. Even so, fans failed at getting their favorite anime to "break the internet."
One fan even put the comparison into perspective. Per fans, Goku's weakest form, i.e., Goku as a child, was more hyped than Luffy's peak form, i.e., Gear 5.
That said, not all Dragon Ball fans were amused by the comparisons to Gear 5. Many Dragon Ball fans were disappointed by Dragon Ball Daima's announcement. They wanted the series to continue releasing Dragon Ball Super's episodes. Instead, they got an announcement for an anime whose concept seems similar to Dragon Ball GT.
Therefore, it did not make sense to many Dragon Ball fans how the anime's teaser surpassed Luffy's Gear 5 hype.
After that, anime fans started targeting Dragon Ball fans, stating they had no reason to go after One Piece at every moment. That's when one Dragon Ball fan responded by expressing how One Piece fans hype up every moment in their anime. Therefore, they had no right to call out Dragon Ball.
Meanwhile, some shared how they had no interest in witnessing such debates. One fan even went on to show how they were trying to avoid such keywords, a new one getting added to which was the word 'iconic.' Meanwhile, other fans expressed how fans claiming Dragon Ball Daima to be more iconic than Luffy's Gear 5 was satirical. Nevertheless, the debate did not end there, as fans refused to back down.
Stay tuned for more anime and manga updates as 2023 progresses.