One of the most intriguing relationships between any two anime or manga series in the history of the mediums is none other than that of the world famous Dragon Ball and One Piece series. Written and illustrated by Akira Toriyama and Eiichiro Oda, respectively, both are regarded as some of the most well-known and globally beloved anime and manga series of all time.
Interestingly, Toriyama and Oda also have a great real-life relationship, with the former often praising the latter’s work and the latter citing the former as a heavy inspiration. However, the relationship between the Dragon Ball and One Piece fandoms is much less friendly, with the two often arguing over which series is better overall or which moment from each series is more iconic.
It’s an intriguing dichotomy between how the creators of each series behave and how the fans of each series behave. Likewise, this dichotomy has recently been highlighted once again thanks to comments on One Piece from a legendary Dragon Ball editor. While some fans are incensed over the editor’s latest comments, they do bring up a good point about how Oda produces his legendary adventure series.
Dragon Ball editor points out a key distinction in early One Piece production process vs. the contemporary one
Why the editor’s comments make a good point, explained
According to a recent tweet from the primarily One Piece-focused news account @sandman_AP, legendary Dragon Ball editor Kazuhiko Torishima recently did an interview. While the interview had a larger focus, there was a section where Torishima commented on how it’s “a pity” that Oda’s editors can “no longer disagree” with the creator. Torishima also praised Oda for his passion and excellence in character creation.
Unsurprisingly, however, fans are primarily honing in on Torishima’s comments on how it’s a pity that editors can’t disagree with Oda anymore. What Torishima most likely means is that as the series has progressed and the final destination needs to be worked towards, Oda is less flexible in taking ideas from his editors and other sources.
In a sense, this criticism of One Piece from the Dragon Ball editor is very valid. While Oda does need to ensure that the series reaches its endgame with a clear path, it’s difficult to argue that no good ideas on how to get there can come from outside sources. Although it is Oda’s right to refuse such input if he desires, Torishima isn’t necessarily wrong by calling this “a pity.”
As some fans point out in replies, a team creating something gives way to ideas being challenged, which helps to prevent perspective being lost on whatever story is being made. Others, meanwhile, point out that there might be a bit of a personal factor in Torishima’s words considering his former status as an editor for Toriyama.
It’s an interesting topic to dissect, especially when considering how many One Piece fans prefer the early, pre-time-skip section of the series to the later, post-time-skip. Intriguingly, some would argue that the Dragon Ball Z section of the franchise’s overarching story is the most beloved, as opposed to its earlier storyline.
In any case, it’s clear that Torishima at least feels that Oda’s unique creative situation is one that deserves scrutiny and should be changed. While some fans seem to agree with this take, others question the validity of it considering Torishima’s history as an editor. If nothing else, the interview has started a worthwhile dialogue that, for now, seems to have remained relatively civil compared to other interactions between the two fandoms.
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