The Dragon Ball series, originating in 1989, has evolved into an expansive universe, introducing captivating characters like Hit and Jiren. Since the Tournament of Power arc's conclusion, no canon anime has graced the screens. With the imminent release of Dragon-Ball Daima in October 2024, fans eagerly anticipate new developments.
The absence of recent canonical content has sparked a fervent desire among enthusiasts for spin-offs exploring the untapped narratives of other beloved characters within the huge universe of this series.
Disclaimer: This article contains minor spoilers for the Dragon Ball series. Parts of the article reflect the writer's opinion.
Dragon Ball: The franchise needs a better exploration
Dragon Ball, well-known for its extensive history and numerous characters, has triggered fans to want something similar to the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU). This wish has taken root, particularly with updates in the Dragon-Ball Super manga, where some storylines, like Granolah and Moro, faced weak responses.
Critics and fans alike have expressed disappointment in the recent storyline, which involved the adaptation of the Super Hero movie and the reintroduction of Gohan's character, showcasing a new transformation known as the Gohan Beast form.
Concurrently, the announcement of Dragon-Ball Daima has raised concerns among fans, dividing opinions within the fandom.
Despite this division, anticipation for Dragon-Ball Daima has surged with the revelation that the series will feature an opening theme sung by the renowned Japanese actor and singer Hiroki Takahashi, recognized for his iconic contribution in Opening #1, Makafushigi Adventure!, the very first opening to accompany this series.
Since its inception in 1989, Dragon Ball has evolved into a vast universe, introducing multiple universes and alternate versions of Supersaiyans. Characters like Jiren, Hit, Future Trunks, the Pride Troopers, and the mysteries surrounding the Nameks and the Super Saiyan god Yamoshi have ignited speculation and curiosity among fans.
However, this expansive universe has led fans to desire a more coordinated and structured approach to storytelling.
The call for a greater universe centered around this franchise, mirroring the successful MCU model, has gained momentum. Fans propose a roadmap or phases similar to the MCU, focusing on various characters and plot points introduced throughout the series.
Drawing parallels with the MCU's diverse roadmap, which explores individual character stories such as Spider-Man in movies and series like Loki to delve into different aspects of characters and overarching plots, fans of the series believe that such an approach would provide depth and richness to the narrative.
Many fans advocate for spin-offs centered around specific characters, with a grown-up Gohan being a frequently suggested candidate. This suggestion aligns with the belief that the Dragon Ball franchise has expanded beyond the central characters of Goku and Vegeta. Focusing solely on these protagonists may limit the vast potential that this universe offers.
Moreover, fans propose exploring the narratives of characters like Hit or the Pride Troopers in dedicated series, arguing that this approach would not only bring diversity to the storytelling but also afford Akira Toriyama, the series creator, the necessary time to meticulously plan and progress the main storyline without rushing through pivotal plot points.
Final Thoughts
The prospect of a Dragon-Ball Cinematic Universe gains momentum amid concerns over recent manga arcs. Dragon Ball Daima, set post-Majin Buu saga, teases an engaging narrative, with further details to be revealed on January 28, 2024.