Dragon Ball Super introduced fans to the God known as Zeno-sama, and in turn fans began asking how Zeno-sama is so strong and what his backstory is.
Although Zeno-sama’s strength is wondrous, there’s an extremely simple explanation when we analyze who Zeno-sama is. Afterwards, the question seems silly as the answer is always in front of the audience.
Dragon Ball Super: Who is Zeno-sama?
Grand Zeno-sama

Grand Zeno-sama is the God of Universe 7 who is introduced after the Universe 6 saga. Although angered by the Gods of Destruction Beerus and Champa for not being invited, he enjoyed watching the action from afar and thus is appeased. We see Beerus, Champa, and their respective Angels all in fear of Zeno-sama and treating him with the utmost respect.
Gods have long existed in Dragon Ball via the Kais. Yet similar to how Beerus pushed the limit on what a God is in Dragon Ball, so does Zeno-sama push it further. Kais were originally introduced as essentially governors of varying universal sections, being the creators to Beerus’ Destructor.
Introducing Zeno-sama as above this setup truly establishes him as an almighty, unyielding God. The official title Zeno-sama holds is Omni King, ruling from a castle based outside of the twelve realities. This castle is so separated that Zeno-sama was able to destroy six universes as a result of a bad mood without affecting his homebase.
Although almighty and powerful, Grand Zeno-sama still behaves like a child. This is highlighted by his overall innocence, which can very quickly sour into childlike annoyances and outbursts. Goku promises to get Zeno-sama a friend, but how do you find a longtime companion for such a childish yet powerful figure?
Future Zeno-sama

Goku finds his answer during the Future Trunks saga, when Goku discovers a Grand Zeno-sama from an alternate Universe 6 timeline. After convincing him to spare them after their first meeting, Goku tells Future Zeno-sama he has the perfect playmate for him.
Introducing Future Zeno-sama to Grand Zeno-sama, Goku successfully finds the perfect playmate for an Omni King: himself. The two get along instantly, with even the Grand Minister congratulating Goku for his ingeniousness and ability to deliver. Unfortunately, having two Zeno-samas means having two all powerful and innocent Omni Kings around.
Fortunately, the two are shown to be more playful with each other than giving into their annoyance and anger. Although their idea of playfulness is knocking planets around and into each other, causing them to be destroyed, they’re still somewhat innocent. At least they’re not convincing each other to destroy universes on a whim.
After spending a good amount of time with and learning about both Zeno-samas, the answer as to how they’re so powerful is quite obvious.
Childhood innocence combined with God-like power

Their childhood demeanor may overshadow their God-like power, but nonetheless, the Zeno-samas have the perfect combination of innocence and ability. The whimsicalness of a child is a dangerous instructor for the power of a God, and as a result we’re left with Zeno-sama. Easily annoyed and potentially much harder to appease, we have a good idea of why Zeno-sama is so feared.
While fans may wish for a deeper explanation of his role as Omni King and how he got there, such lore isn’t needed to answer the question. All that’s needed is an understanding of the power he boasts, his childhood demeanor, and his role in Dragon Ball.
Gods have time and time again been shown to be overshadowed by some bigger fish than them. Kami couldn’t defeat King Piccolo, King Kai was defeated by Cell, and even the Supreme Kai Shin was no match for Buu. Yet as Omni Kings, the Zeno-samas stand tall and untouchable above all. Their breaking of this cycle alone merits asking this question.
All the strength in the world is no match for someone who instills fear into the hearts of Gods of Destruction. Able to destroy planets, universes, and people, part of Zeno-sama's strength merits crediting the fear and power the title Omni King implies.
Final thoughts
The answer to Zeno-sama's strength and who he is may not be as detailed as fans like, but it plainly comes down to his title as Omni King and the demeanor he wears.
Both Zeno-samas are shown to boast childlike innocence despite their Godly powers. As a result, maybe even the Zeno-samas don’t have a specific answer to how they get their strength. They certainly don’t seem the philosophical type, and as a result, likely wouldn’t ponder the thought too long.
This question has long had a plain answer laid out in front of fans everywhere. While maybe not as in-depth as fans had hoped, it’s the only answer we have and likely will be for quite some time.