Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero has finally premiered in Japanese theaters, having been out for over a full day as of this article’s writing. While tons of video and image leaks are flooding social media from moviegoers, one reputable Dragon Ball leaker and reporter has made an interesting claim.
It seems that Twitter user and reputable Dragon Ball news source @DBSChronicles has heard that the Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero dub has a new name for Piccolo’s signature attack. Called “Makankosappo” in the Japanese dubbings of the franchise, the original English name was “Special Beam Cannon,” but this is apparently set to change.
Follow along as this article breaks down this latest Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero news as well as fan reactions to it.
Latest Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero leak claims renaming of one of series’ most famous moves
Leaked information
As mentioned above, Twitter user and reputable Dragon Ball news source @DBSChronicles recently posted a tweet claiming an imminent renaming of the Special Beam Cannon. Called Makankosappo in Japanese, @DBSChronicles (Chronicles) claims that one of their sources says the move will be renamed in the English dub.
Unfortunately, Chronicles seems to have no further information on the new name or why this decision was made. Furthermore, Chronicles themselves say they’re unsure of whether the new name is even what will be used, or if the adaptation team will instead choose to stick with Special Beam Cannon.
Fan reactions to Chronicles’ report has been relatively neutral so far, with few fans staunchly opposing the idea of the move getting a new name. One particular fan claimed it will always be Special Beam Cannon in the hearts of fans, but this appears to be more so a celebration of nostalgia rather than a criticism of the renaming itself.
Others are offering new names of their own for the move, some being certainly less creative than others. Since Final Gohan is the one who uses the Makankosappo in the film to kill Max Monster Cell, many are playing with the idea of naming it “Final Beam Cannon,” “Final Makkankosappo,” or even the one “Ultimate Special Beam Cannon.”
Some are taking the name of the move more seriously, citing literal Japanese translations and historic Viz Media interpretations. The former would be "Demon Screw Light Cannon," while the latter would be "Light of Death." Some enthusiasts even suggest combining the two and dubbing it the Light Death Cannon.
While the majority of fans appear to be nostalgic or neutral about the name change, others appear to be strongly promoting it. Many are citing their lack of ever enjoying or appreciating the name of the move, expressing a desire to see it change for Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero’s English dub.
In summation
While many fans appear to be on the fence about the impending name change, there are those who plainly believe Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero's English dub will bring about the change. Even more fans are chiming in with their own suggestions, devising creative alternatives based on source material and direct translations.
While some fans definitely support the renaming, Chronicles themselves confess that they are uncertain which name the English dub will use. It appears that fans will have to wait until the August 19th English dub release date of Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero for further confirmation.
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