Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero was a hit on release.
As expected from any Dragon Ball release, it featured explosive action and stunning transformations. Super Hero put Gohan and Piccolo in the spotlight this time, two characters who were long overdue for a power up. The duo received new transformations as Orange Piccolo and Gohan Beast, bringing them back up in the power rankings.

However, there was one little detail in Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero that seemed to bother fans. At one point in the movie, Goku approaches a meditating Vegeta and urges him to start training. He says things like, "How long do you plan to keep sitting there on your rock..." and "...how's sitting on a rock gonna help you win a fight?"
Fans who were angered by this particular scene, took to social media to voice their displeasure.
Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero's "sitting on a rock" scene leaves fans irked
Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero was by no means a bad film. Fans loved the fresh new look, with new characters such as Gamma 1 and 2, Cell Max, Dr. Hedo and Gohan and Piccolo's new forms. However, a few brief minutes of an interaction between Goku and Vegeta on Planet Beerus seemed to attract criticism from viewers alike.
Son Goku is no stranger to meditation. Through Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z and even Dragon Ball Super, he can be seen sitting at a spot, eyes closed, completely calm while focusing.
Mental Training, as it is termed, helps the fighters calm themselves and channel their Ki. Apart from Goku, a number of others are seen doing it, most notably Piccolo.
Fans were not pleased to see one of the series' protoganists behave in such a dense manner. They were not happy that Goku made such comments and contradicted the things he is well-known for doing. Specifically saying "sitting there on your rock" did not bode well at all within the DBZ community.
Meditation has always been an integral part of the Z Warriors' training. It allows them to enter a state of total calm concentration, increase their awareness, and gather and build up Ki. It is commonly done before a fight by fighters to prepare themselves for the battle.
As mentioned, fighters like Piccolo, Master Roshi, Tien and most recently Jiren (used it to temper his Ki and relax himself during the Tournament of Power) have been seen meditating.
Where does Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero fit in the Dragon Ball series?
Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero is the 26th film that takes place after the events of the Tournament of Power saga and the Dragon Ball Super: Broly movie. It is set within the current line of continuity of the story. It is completely canon and stands to be a part of the franchise.
Shifting the limelight from Goku and Vegeta, it focuses on two other characters, simultaneously being seen as a Gohan and Piccolo hybrid story where they finally put an end to the Red Ribbon Army. Fan favorites such as Android 18 and Krillin make an appearance as well.