Dragon Ball Super’s Tournament of Power arc was a massive hit for fans of the series. It’s one of the few Dragon Ball Super and general Dragon Ball arcs that feels like it has real consequences to it.
Unfortunately, the Tournament of Power came about as a result of eight universes having very weak mortals on average. With such a prerequisite for participation, each universe has at least one warrior which can be considered a weak link.
This article will highlight each team’s weak link and discuss why they’re the weak link for their Dragon Ball Super Universe.
Note: This article reflects the writer's opinion.
Dragon Ball Super’s Tournament of Power was a way to eliminate the weak, but these eight warriors were especially weak links for their team
1) Krillin (Universe 7)
Krillin was easily Universe 7’s weakest link for Dragon Ball Super’s Tournament of Power. Like many others on this list, he was eliminated first for his universe as a result of careless gloating. While celebrating eliminating another warrior, Krillin didn’t realize Universe 6’s Frost was sneaking up behind him. Unfortunately, Krillin didn’t realize this until he was already falling off the platform and on his way to the stands.
2) Rylibeu (Universe 10)
Ryliebu of Dragon Ball Super’s Universe 10 is not only the first to get eliminated from her team, but the first to get eliminated overall. What’s even more embarrassing for Rylibeu is that she’s a winged creature, meaning she had the ability of flight in the Tournament of Power. Unfortunately for her, she didn’t remember this before falling to her elimination. For this reason, she’s easily the weakest link on the Universe 10 team.
3) Nink (Universe 4)
Nink from Dragon Ball Super’s Universe 4 may better be known as the fighter who tried dragging Goku off the platform with him. Unfortunately for Nink, Goku was able to escape at the last second and live to fight another Takk in the Tournament of Power. As a result, Nink ended up knocking himself out with absolutely nothing to show for it. Nink is easily the weakest link of Universe 4.
4) Comfrey (Universe 9)

The first fighter eliminated from Dragon Ball Super’s weakest overall Universe, Comfrey represented Universe 9 in the Tournament of Power. While all of Universe 9 is knocked out by Goku and Vegeta very early on, Comfrey is still the first one from Universe 9 eliminated. As a result, he’s by default the weakest link for Universe 9.
5) Nigrissi (Universe 3)
Nigrissi from Dragon Ball Super’s Universe 3 is the first fighter eliminated from his universe. While it’s unclear who exactly eliminated him, he is very clearly seen flying across the screen and landing out of bounds. Although fans didn’t see much combat from him, considering he was first eliminated from his Universe, it’s safe to say Nigrissi is the weakest Universe 3 fighter.
6) Vewon (Universe 11)

The first Pride Trooper to be eliminated, Vewon is presumably knocked out by Legendary Super Saiyan Kale. Vewon and the other Pride Troopers hail from Dragon Ball Super’s Universe 11, which is one of the stronger Universes participating in the Tournament of Power. Unfortunately for Vewon, he’s not as impressive as his Pride Trooper colleagues, considering his early elimination. By default, he seems to be Universe 11’s weakest link.
7) Bikal (Universe 2)
Hailing from Dragon Ball Super’s Universe 2, Bikal’s knockout is somewhat comical while also being fairly pathetic. Instead of being knocked off stage and transported like most eliminated members, Android 17 literally kicks Bikal into the spectator stands. Although comical, this pathetic display of a fight makes Bikal the weakest link of Universe 2.
8) Botamo (Universe 6)
Botamo is a somewhat interesting case for this list. While not necessarily weak, he is unfortunately the first one eliminated from Universe 6’s team. As previously seen in Dragon Ball Super, Botamo’s main attack and defense is his thick stomach, which can absorb multiple heavy blows with no problem.
However, this proved to be Botamo’s downfall in the Tournament of Power. Gohan was hitting him so hard and fast, Botamo didn’t realize he was being lifted off the ground in preparation for elimination until it was too late. As a result, Botamo by default takes home the prize for weakest Universe 6 member.