Edens Zero chapter 215 continued the high-octane drama that has been ongoing for several weeks. Fans previously lauded the space fantasy manga as Hiro Mashima's best work to date, and the mangaka has once again proven why.
Readers experienced dramatic tension, suspense, action, and grief in the last few chapters. When things ought to have settled down a bit following the excitement and sentimentality of the previous chapters, they took a massive turn in this latest chapter.
Disclaimer: This article contains spoilers from the Edens Zero manga.
Edens Zero chapter 215 sees Shiki inheriting Nero's power, Edens One is revealed as the true enemy
Shiki gains a new power from Ziggy

In Edens Zero chapter 215, Shiki Granbell revealed that Ziggy left him with the ability to create wormholes as a parting gift, a power that originally belonged to Nero.
The previous chapter revealed that Ziggy was acting evil to push Shiki beyond his capabilities. This plan succeeded, and Shiki not only unlocked a new form of overdrive but also destroyed Ziggy before he could turn evil again and harm anyone.
Shiki immediately put this new power to use when he created a wormhole to reach everyone after receiving Hermit's message.
Ziggy's passing creates a bittersweet moment

In Edens Zero chapter 215, Shiki tells Pino that he knew Ziggy was good because, during the fight, he remembered Ziggy calling Pino a little girl. Becoming a human is Pino's dream.
By calling Pino a little girl, Ziggy essentially acknowledged her humanity because, according to Shiki, a little girl is something one would only call a human. This dialogue revealed Ziggy's compassionate side while also exposing that he was acting.
Although Shiki's ability is a welcome addition, it does not diminish the sadness that everyone feels in the aftermath of Ziggy's death. While Rebecca is relieved that Shiki is safe, Sister and Hermit are saddened by Ziggy's passing away.
Chronophage is on its way to planet Lendard

In Edens Zero chapter 215, after receiving Hermit's emergency message that the chronophage has changed course and is heading towards them, everyone except for Elsie gathers at the ship.
When a surprised Happy questions Rebecca, she claims she did not use her Ether Gear to summon the Chronophage to planet Lendard. It appears that another party controls the Chronophage, and it is most likely the true enemy, who also lives on the same planet.
The true enemy is finally revealed

Edens Zero chapter 215 reveals the true enemy whose identity has been teased thus far. The true enemy reveals itself just as Hermit has finished putting everything together and has finally told everyone that it is none other than Edens One.
Edens One is a spaceship created and owned by Ziggy, with Connor as its captain. It was destroyed in Universe 1 but avoided the same fate in Universe 2. According to Hermit, it is a sentient ship with unparalleled power and intellect, far exceeding that of any human or machine. Ziggy was under the control of this AI.
After witnessing the destruction of many Dragons at Dragonfall, Witch hypothesized that Edens One has its own version of Etherion. This could explain how Chronophage has been summoned.
Shiki is unlikely to fight Edens One right away after Edens Zero chapter 215 because currently, it is more important to prepare Edens Zero and flee before the Chronophage arrives and erases the planet's time.