The intriguing series of events that started during Shiki Granbell's travels on May 21, 2023, will be continued in Edens Zero season 2 episode 10, which is slated for release on June 4 at 12:55 am JST. Based on Hiro Mashima's well-known manga of the same name, the science-fiction anime series is set in space.
The J.C. Staff production Edens Zero, which made its debut in April 2021, had a stunning climax that unavoidably laid the stage for an exciting follow-up. Edens Zero season 2 episode 10 is expected to feature significant developments. Readers can read the upcoming chapters of the manga on Kodansha.
Edens Zero season 2 episode 10 will feature the next twist in Shiki and Rebecca's grand space mission
On Sunday, June 4, 2023, at 12:55 AM JST, Crunchyroll will release Edens Zero season 2 episode 10. The following schedule shows when the anime will air in other countries and time zones:
- Caribbean Standard Time - Saturday, June 3, 2023, at 11:00 am
- Central Time - Saturday, June 3, 2023, at 10:00 am
- Eastern Time - Saturday, June 3, 2023, 11:00 am
- Indian Standard Time - Saturday, June 3, 2023, at 9:30 pm
- Pacific Time - Saturday, June 3, 2023, 8:00 am
- Australian Standard Time - Sunday, June 3, 2023, at 3:00 am
Due to all the voice actors returning for the new episode, the season 2 cast has remained the same as it was in the first season. Mikako Komatsu reprises her role as Rebecca Bluegarden, with Takuma Terashima as Shiki, the main character. Happy the Cat's voice will be provided by Rie Kugimiya in the interim. The manga is entering its final arc and big things are about to take place.
Edens Zero season 2 episode 9 recap
The person posing as Labilia turns out to be the shape-shifter Amira, who had safely hidden the real Labilia at the nightclub where Homura and Kleene squared off. Drakken discovers the gathering and attempts to kidnap Rebecca, but Shiki sends his companions away and engages the former alone.
When Amira explains that the machine takes the life power of everyone nearby, including Kleene, Jinn, who was guarding Drakken's life support machine, relents. Weisz is enraged by the revelation and storms off against Amira's wishes for him to reverse the machine's effects and weaken Drakken.
Hermit offers to reprogram the machine once its security device is destroyed, which Jinn does after Sister agrees to treat Kleene for her unrelated illness. Meanwhile, Drakken enters Overdrive and nearly turns Shiki into stone, but is interrupted by Weisz, who accuses Drakken of killing someone precious to him.
What to expect from Edens Zero season 2 episode 10
Since the upcoming episode is titled Advent of the Demon King, fans can expect several major events between the heroes and the villains. One cannot wait to see Shiki hand a big defeat to Drakken Joe in pure shonen anime protagonist style while epic background music plays. However, fans know that might take some time to materialize in Edens Zero season 2 episode 10.
Labilia's current whereabouts are unknown, but fans can expect to see the character return in the next episode if the heroes spot the location. The earlier revelation had enraged Weisz who might reveal more of the backstory. The character's grudge against Drakken Joe is justified and hearing them exchange dialogue might give Shiki just enough time to recuperate.