Hiromu Arakawa's Fullmetal Alchemist brought a significant change in the way the anime community was perceived. Its rich storyline and in-depth characters were appropriate for critical discussions. One such character was Shou Tucker, who remains the most hated character of all time to date.
It was Hiromu Arakawa's genius that could pen down a complex character. Shou Tucker was not only a psychopath but a devil in disguise. Steeped in egocentrism, his twisted psyche blurred the path of right and wrong. He donned a garment of politeness to hide his menacing self. In reality, Shou was a man devoid of human emotions and someone who could do anything to satiate his desire.
Even though many characters have made it to the list of the top-rated hated anime characters, very few could come close to Shou Tucker from Fullmetal Alchemist.
Shou Tucker from Fullmetal Alchemist is still the most hated character
The complexities of Hiromu Arakawa's Fullmetal Alchemist manga series are unparalleled. From the themes of brotherhood, love, and friendship, the story also features political aspects, themes of revenge, justice, abuse, greed, and sacrifice. In short, Arakawa's manga provides immense scope for in-depth analysis.
Apart from the enthralling actions, Fullmetal Alchemist is loved by the fans for its characters. As mentioned, one such character has etched his name as the most hated anime character of all time - Shou Tucker.

Hiromu Arakawa introduced Shou Tucker in her manga in the first volume. He was referred to as a Bio-alchemist by Colonel Roy Mustang. According to the manga, Shou was notorious for transmuting a Chimera. At first glance, Shou appeared to be an amicable person, in love with science and research.
However, beneath this veil of friendliness lay a devious monster that could go to any extent to satisfy its heinous desire. Shou diabolically sacrificed his wife and daughter, transmuting them into Chimeras for his research.

He even lied to Edward and Alphonse that his wife had left him because of poverty. The scientist further added that he used to quarrel with his wife frequently, and as a result, she left him and his daughter to seek freedom.
However, this lie hid a twisted reality. Shou had used his wife as a human sacrifice and turned her into a chimera. This feat propelled him to the position of the State Alchemist.
However, in Fullmetal Alchemist manga, it was revealed that the State Alchemists had to pass a yearly assessment to keep the cherished title. Since Tucker had failed to pass the test a year before, he had to be obsessed with his research, or else; he would have lost his title.

His obsession with research and insane greed to keep his title blurred the line between right and wrong, as he sacrificed his five-year-old daughter Nina, and his family dog, Alexander, to create a chimera once again.
Never for once did Shou Tucker repent for his actions. Under a polite and introverted persona lurked an emotionless monster that could sacrifice his five-year-old daughter. Nina, who loved her father more than anything, perhaps never for once could have guessed the true feelings his father harbored inside.

Shou Tucker was a delusional State Alchemist who believed that everything he did was for scientific advancement. The fame as a State Alchemist obsessed him so much that it drove him insane.
Devoid of human conscience, he sacrificed the most precious thing he had - his five-year-old daughter. All the love and affection displayed was a show-off, as the man showed no remorse for his heinous actions. He was a true manipulator in Fullmetal Alchemist and a devil in disguise.
While there are other despised characters exist in the anime community, including Rachel from Tower of God, Malty S Melromarc from The Rising of the Shield Hero, and Mahito from Jujutsu Kaisen, very few come close to the level of despicability displayed by Shou Tucker.
Fans react to Shou Tucker as they are reminded of the horror that he displayed in Fullmetal Alchemist
The horrors exhibited by Shou Tucker in Fullmetal Alchemist seem fresh in the fans' minds. Recently, fans were reminded of Shou Tucker's act by a tweet from @MangaContexts. Through tweets, fans expressed how traumatic and evil the panel of Shou Tucker showing off his new chimera to the Alchemist brothers was.
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