As the name suggests, Attack on Titan is a show that revolves around the Titans who are wreaking havoc as humanity attempts to free themselves from their tyranny. Those who have watched the show will know that certain humans can morph into Titans, and they are called Titan shifters.
Here are all the Titan shifters that have been featured in Attack on Titan. The list mentioned below is in no particular order.
All Titan shifters from Attack on Titan
1) Armin and Bertholdt
Both these characters could transform into the Colossal Titan. Bertholdt Hoover was sent on a mission to Paradis to capture the Founding Titan. The Colossal Titan is one of the tallest Titans that can emit huge amounts of heat and steam. Levi gave the Titan serum to Armin to save his life after a near-death event. He later consumed Bertholdt to inherit the powers of the colossal Titan.
Titan: Colossal Titan
2) Reiner Braun
Reiner Braun inherited the powers of Armored Titan, one of the earliest Titans shown in the series. He also was the initial antagonist of Attack on Titan. As the name suggests, it has a layer of armor with both offensive and defensive capabilities.
Titan: Armored Titan
3) Annie Leonhart
Annie Leonhart belonged to the same squad as Eren, Mikasa and Armin. She could be considered one of the best in Attack on Titan regarding hand-to-hand combat. She could morph into the Female Titan who had hardening capabilities, with both offensive and defensive utility.
Titan: Female Titan
4) Ymir and Marcel Galliard
Both of these characters from Attack on Titan inherited the powers of the Jaw Titan. This is the smallest Titan on the list and probably the fastest. It uses its jaw to kill since it is capable of creating a huge biting force. When Marcel Galliard transforms into the Titan, it has an enhanced and stronger jaw allowing him to improve the biting force exponentially.
Titan: Jaw Titan
5) Pieck Finger
This character from Attack on Titan can transform into the Cart Titan. It does not have great combat capabilities. It is a support-type Titan that can wield a gun on its back. This Titan is quite smart, and this is the only Titan that moves on all fours.
Titan: Cart Titan
6) Tom Ksaver and Zeke Jaeger
Zeke and Ksaver could morph into one of the most terrifying Titans from Attack on Titan. Owing to its long limbs, it has the ability to throw projectiles at great speeds causing massive destruction. This attack killed Erwin Smith, the commander of the reputed Survey Corps.
Titan: Beast Titan
7) Lara Tybur
In Attack on Titan, the Tybur family has passed on the powers of the War Hammer Titan to their successors. Lara Tybur was the one who inherited the powers of the War Hammer Titan. It is unique since it can create weapons from its own flesh. The user can operate the Titan remotely with the help of a string of flesh connecting the two.
Titan: War Hammer Titan
8) Eren Jaeger
The protagonist of Attack on Titan, Eren Jaeger, inherited the powers of the Attack Titan from his father, Grisha Jaeger. Attack Titan has the unique ability to access the memories of its previous users. Eren also consumes Lara Tybur to inherit the powers of the War Hammer Titan. His father had eaten a member of the royal family who was, in turn, eaten by Eren. Therefore, he inherits the powers of the Founding Titans as well.
Titan: Attack Titan, War Hammer Titan, and Founding Titan
9) Ymir Fritz
She was the first Titan shifter in Attack on Titan. In her Titan form, Ymir Fritz could manipulate other Titans and control or alter their memories. To inherit this power, one must have royal blood in them.
Titan: Founding Titan