Black Clover’s main antagonistic group are the enigmatic devils who are invaders from another world that often find their way into the mortal coil. Black Clover’s devils are incredibly unique in all aspects. Their personality, strength, goals, and abilities differ widely from one another.
However, ranking the fiendish foes is no problem thanks to Black Clover’s inherent ranking system for devils. Combining this system with the known powers, abilities, and strengths of each devil, it’s very easy to figure out where they stand in terms of power when sufficient information is present.
Here’s every devil in Black Clover, ranked from least to most powerful.
Note: Nacht’s devils, Lucifugus, and Adrammelech will be excluded from the list due to not enough information being available about their powers.
The Dark Triad’s devils dominate top spots for Black Clover’s most powerful devils
8) Liebe

Easily the weakest devil in the series thus far is Liebe who is currently partnered and contracted with Asta. He has no magic power whatsoever, making him incredibly weak relative to all the other devils in existence.
While his anti-magic is powerful, it only reaches its full power when used in combination with Asta, who can function as a host for the powers. There’s little doubt that Liebe is the weakest devil in the series thus far.
7) Zagred

Zagred is the first devil to whom fans are introduced in the series, and his powers are equally impressive as his appearance. His Word-Soul Magic is highly overpowered. He needs to merely speak a few words to make whatever he requested come into existence.
While the technique is impressive, fans slowly but surely find out that he is one of the weaker devils when compared to others in the series. Later appearances from higher-ranking devils further prove this point, pushing Zagred to nearly the bottom of the barrel in terms of strength and power.
6) Nahamah

While Nahamah and Lilith do seem to be equally powerful, the former’s being sliced by Nacht as their first injury results in the latter going ahead. Nevertheless, Nahamah is still a very powerful devil with exceptional magical powers and remarkable attributes.
His Demon Fire Magic is capable of burning anything and everything, including invisible or abstract entities. Nahamah can even turn his own body into the fire, allowing attacks or enemies to pass through him painlessly while also allowing him to merge with and move through his flames.
5) Lilith

Lilith is seemingly more powerful than Nahamah. This advantage in strength seems to mainly come from her tremendous mana reserves and overpowering magic attributes.
Her main skill is Demon Ice Magic which can freeze anything and everything, including abstract or invisible entities. Her attacks are incredibly powerful and can be effectively used against every enemy.
4) Megicula

Kicking off the top half of the list is Megicula, the substitute devil for a vacant Tree of Qliphoth spot. Her Curse-Warding Magic is potent and powerful, serving as the basis of the human world’s Curse Magic.
She’s also able to use Steel and Blood Magic since she is in control of Acier Silva and Vanica Zogratis’ souls respectively. She has an impressive presence.
Despite her role as a Qliphoth devil being that of a substitute, she lives up to the title in fantastic fashion.
3) Beelzebub

Beelzebub is one of the highest-ranking devils in their world, serving as one of the rulers of the Underworld itself. His magic attribute is Spatial Magic, which he uses to a deadly extent several times throughout the series. His status as a high-ranking devil also gives him spectacular magic power and mana reserves.
Beelzebub contracts with Zenon Zogratis in the human world, and it's through Zenon that we truly see Beelzebub’s power come to life. The two become a force to be reckoned with when combined, but Beelzebub’s powers and Spatial Magic clearly form the backbone of their fighting prowess.
2) Lucifero

Serving as the overarching antagonist of the Spade Kingdom Raid arc, Lucifero is yet another high-ranking Qliphoth devil and one of Underworld’s three rulers. His Gravity Magic is very powerful and is even able to affect the Anti-Magic wielding combo of Asta and Liebe.
Beyond his magic attribute, he boasts formidable strength, magic power, and speed. Despite his loss at the arc’s end, which seems to have been manipulated by an unforeseen force, Lucifero is undoubtedly the second-strongest devil in the series.
1) Astaroth

Finally, Astaroth is undoubtedly the most powerful devil in all of Black Clover. The third ruler of the Underworld and one of the highest-ranking Qliphoth devils is an enigma whose power is unmatched.
His Time Magic seems to be what has been giving Julius Novachrono his power all this time, which goes to show just how dominant he is.
Not much is known about him beyond his Time Magic attribute, but he seems to be a very strong and cunning devil. His plan to take down Lucifero ended up working brilliantly, and he likely could have done it himself if his cover as Julius didn’t need to be maintained.
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This article was modified on Wednesday, June 28, at 6:54 pm.