One of the core tenets of the Dragon Ball franchise has been that there’s always a level above where one currently sits. No character in the series embodies this philosophy better than franchise protagonist Son Goku.
The Earthbound Saiyan is constantly obtaining and utilizing new, never-before-seen transformations and forms which manage to wow even the gods of Dragon Ball. In fact, the franchise’s longevity can be solely attributed to Goku’s constant discovery, learning, and utilization of new forms and transformations.
Here is every canon Goku transformation in Dragon Ball so far, ranked from weakest to strongest.
Note: The Kaioken is technically a technique and not a transformation. As such, the Kaioken itself and any combination forms using it will be excluded from this list, as will Fusion forms.
Goku’s multiple transformations in Dragon Ball fall into predictable rankings
6) Super Saiyan

Starting off the list as Goku’s weakest form is the original Dragon Ball transformation, the base Super Saiyan form. While still useful and powerful, even the mastered Super Saiyan form is the weakest of all the branch’s transformations.
Again, that’s not to say the form isn’t useful or relevant, even in the contemporary state of the series. Super’s Tournament of Power saw Goku land the finishing blow on Jiren in the base Super Saiyan form, proving it can still be useful in the right conditions. That being said, it is still easily the weakest of all his current forms.
5) Super Saiyan 2

Super Saiyan 2 ranks exactly where it should in this list, being the most powerful form in all of Dragon Ball at one time. When first introduced, its power output was absolutely mind-blowing, with its first user Teen Gohan absolutely wowed fans with its power.
Even in Super, the form still makes relevant appearances, mainly via Future Trunks’ unique take on the form and Caulfila being taught the Super Saiyan 2 form during the Tournament of Power. Although still relevant, it’s sadly no longer the king of the hill it once was, despite holding a special place in the hearts of many fans.
4) Super Saiyan 3

The pinnacle of the standard Super Saiyan transformation line, Super Saiyan 3 ranks in the middle of the pack for Goku’s transformations. The form was his strongest from the end of Dragon Ball Z through the first few episodes of Super, before the next form on this list was introduced.
Super Saiyan 3 is an incredibly powerful transformation, with Goku's process of powering up to the form seen affecting the environment in previously unseen ways. In fact, the form is so powerful, he even says that using it is only possible when he’s dead, as it would drain too much stamina to use while alive. That alone should be enough to prove its strength and solidify its ranking here.
3) Super Saiyan God

The first of Dragon Ball Super’s unique transformations, Super Saiyan God provides a good starting point for the next stage of Super Saiyan evolution. The form doesn’t exactly allow Goku to fight on even ground with God of Destruction Beerus, but it does let him put up a decent fight.
The form also impresses Beerus enough to allow Goku to be trained in the ways of God Ki by his attendant, Whis, which gives way to the next transformation on this list. The form is made relevant even through the latest entries in Super, which include the Broly film where the form is used against the eponymous opponent.
2) Super Saiyan Blue

Super Saiyan Blue is the culmination of Goku and Vegeta’s training with Whis in the form of God Ki, and it’s the staple transformation for a majority of Dragon Ball Super. It’s an incredibly powerful form which has been shown able to stand up to nearly every opponent the franchise has introduced thus far.
The form is not only one of Goku’s most powerful right now, but also one of the most relevant, and will likely continue to hold these titles for quite some time. While Ultra Instinct is what he typically uses to secure victory, nearly every fight begins with the use of Super Saiyan Blue, emphasizing just how powerful the form is.
1) Ultra Instinct

Finally, Goku’s strongest transformation currently in the series is undoubtedly Ultra Instinct. Very few opponents have even managed to stand up to it thus far, and even fewer can say they’ve won against it. Those who can claim the feat will, expectedly, soon be surpassed in the upcoming Dragon Ball Super manga issues.
The form is the perfect combination of offense and defense, allowing the user to rely solely on instinct and feel, hence the form’s name. It has overpowered some of the strongest characters in the series thus far, with those surpassing it only doing so via a wish on the eponymous wish-granting devices. There’s no argument to be made against Ultra Instinct being Goku’s most powerful current form.
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This article was modified on Saturday, June 24 at 12:00 PM.