Dragon Ball features a number of powerful characters, but there is no denying that the human race in the universe has been far outclassed by other, far stronger beings. The main human fighters have struggled to remain relevant in recent years, even though a few of them—like Bulma—have managed to do so by forging their own paths.
Nonetheless, some of these characters have undoubtedly left an indelible impression, demonstrating their significance in understanding Dragon Ball as a story and franchise. Therefore, some of their achievements cannot be understated, so here are, ranked from weakest to strongest, the humans in the series.
Disclaimer: This article contains spoilers for the series. Any opinion expressed here belongs to the author and not Sportskeeda.
Krillin and other human Dragon Ball characters ranked from weakest to strongest
11) Chi-Chi

A lot of Dragon Ball Z fans skipped the original series when it came to the anime, so there are some viewers who have forgotten that Chi-Chi was a fighter during a portion of the story. She reappears in the story as a martial artist for the 23rd Tenkaichi Budokai and is upset with Goku for not recognizing her, resulting in a very comedic subplot during the tournament.
When it comes to power and abilities, Chi-Chi is definitely fairly weak when compared to the vast majority of the Z fighters, but she still managed to reach the final rounds of the Tenkaichi Budokai, which already places her as one of the finest martial artists in the world. Given how powerful Goku was at the time, the fact that she was easily outmatched during her fight with him does not reflect poorly on her.
Eventually, Chi-Chi reveals her identity and reminds Goku of his promise when they were kids to get married, which they do by the end of the story. Chi-Chi has a minor role throughout the series after that, although she was the one holding the house together during Goku's two deaths and different threats in the story.
10) Mr. Satan

Mr. Satan is a very interesting case when it comes to Dragon Ball's human characters because of his strength and the series' execution of him. Despite the fact that he has often been used for comedic relief, often having to deal with threats far beyond his control, he is actually a very competent martial artist. Unfortunately, he frequently finds himself in situations against individuals capable of destroying entire planets.
Regarding his actual fighting abilities, Mr. Satan has been a running champion of the Tenkaichi Budokai for quite some time, with his level not too far off from the ones of the early days of the series. While it is difficult to claim that he can stack up against the Z fighters or any of the enemies they face, he is still one of the strongest humans on the planet.
However, there is no denying that his contributions go beyond fighting, such as helping redeem fat Majin Buu or asking the people of Earth to raise their hands to boost Goku's Genkidama against Kid Buu. He is a very good example of a character who went from a comedic gag to someone with a bit more substance and purpose in the story.
9) Videl

Videl, Mr. Satan's daughter and Gohan's future wife, was introduced as a fighter in Dragon Ball and demonstrated enough ability with Ki to fly. This reflects her degree of skill and ability as a fighter in the series that surpasses the likes of Chi-Chi and Mr. Satan, which is why she is placed above them.
Furthermore, Videl has been constantly fighting crime and dealing with criminals since she was fairly young, which gives her a degree of experience in combat with real risks beyond the likes of martial arts tournaments. Therefore, that highlights that she is a capable fighter, even if she has lost a lot of prominence after her introduction in the Buu saga.
8) Tao Pai Pai

Tao Pai Pai was arguably the first deadly villain in Dragon Ball, showing how author Akira Toriyama was slowly moving away from just a comedic story to one with more serious stakes during the Red Ribbon arc. In that regard, Tao is a major and influential character in the story, with his Dodompa being his signature move and one that Master Roshi claimed to be stronger than the Kamehameha during the 22nd Tenkaichi Budokai.
In reality, what sets Tao Pai Pai so low on the list, despite the fact he is a world-renowned assassin, is the element of power creep that the story always suffered from, with the next antagonists being way more powerful than him. This, naturally, includes some human characters who have proven to be a lot more skilled in their use of Ki and simply developed a lot more, which was shown during Tao's fight with Ten Shin Han in the 23rd Tenkaichi Budokai, with the latter making quick work of him.
7) Yajirobe

Many younger Dragon Ball fans may be surprised to learn that at one point in the series, Yajirobe was stronger than Goku, specifically during the early stages of the Demon King Piccolo. He was also instrumental in saving the protagonist's life during that arc and also helped greatly in the Saiyan saga by cutting Vegeta's tail when he was in his Great Ape form.
Yajirobe had a lot of brute strength and was capable of keeping up with Goku during that point of the story, which is a fairly good benchmark for his strength. This was the Goku who defeated the Red Ribbon Army and had already participated in two Tenkaichi Budokai, so Yajirobe being more powerful than him is a very decent achievement.
6) Chiaotzu

Despite what a lot of Dragon Ball fans may think, Chiaotzu is, in fact, a human, and his appearance is based on the myths of what Chinese vampires look like. But for all intents and purposes, he is a human and a member of the Crane School, along with his best friend, Ten Shin Han.
Compared to previous characters on the list, Chiaotzu has a mastery of several Ki-based attacks and can fly, thus making him a much more accomplished fighter than the ones who came before him. Perhaps the only caveat regarding Chiaotzu is the fact he was quickly left behind because of the series' ever-growing power creep, although he is far from being the last case.
5) Yamcha

Yamcha is a very good example of what happens when a character's reputation can be ruined because of one bad moment and the memes and jokes that ensue. Once he was killed by the Saibaman during the Saiyan arc, Yamcha's reputation was never the same, and he has evolved into a much more comedic character, frequently appearing only for moral support or to stand in the background, which is unfortunate given that he was one of Goku's first friends in the series.
When it comes to his power levels, though, Yamcha is easily one of the strongest human fighters in the series and is capable of mastering several techniques and creating some of his own, such as the Wolf Fang and the Spirit Ball. In fact, most Dragon Ball fans forget that Yamcha defeated the Saibaman, who was as powerful as Raditz and caused Goku and Piccolo a lot of trouble, but was caught off guard and self-destructed.
4) Master Roshi

Muten Roshi is arguably the most prominent and influential shonen master of all time, setting the stage for several other mentors to carry on with the trope in several popular series. His charismatic personality, along with his lessons and fighting abilities, have made him a very popular character among the people who viewed the original Dragon Ball anime.
He is also one of the strongest humans in the series, which was reinforced during the events of the Tournament of Power in Super. Roshi knows a wide variety of abilities and has managed to keep himself fairly vital and wise throughout the series, to the point that Goku and Krillin, despite having surpassed him several years ago, still wear the Kame Gi and go to him for advice.
3) Krillin

Krillin has always been Goku's best friend, but he has also been a reliable ally and someone brave enough to overcome his own insecurities to help those in need. Whether it was helping Gohan during the Saiyan saga or making time to face Frieza in Namek for Dende to heal his friends, Krillin has always been willing to put his body on the line in the most dire situations, even if he doesn't have the strength to back it up.
While it is true that Krillin did fall behind in terms of powers, which is especially shown by the fact that he quit martial arts after the Cell saga, he is still one of the most powerful humans of all time. He has become a martial arts master in his own right, knows several techniques, and has been able to compete to a degree with warriors who can destroy entire planets without much effort.
2) Ten Shin Han

There has always been a debate in the Dragon Ball community about who is the strongest, with Ten Shin Han and Krillin frequently competing for the title of the most powerful human in the series. Although Krillin has a lot more screen time in the story, which can give people a reason to believe he is the most powerful, Ten Shin Han has a lot more feats under his belt.
Ten Shin Han not only defeated Goku in the 22nd Tenkaichi Budokai, but he was also capable of keeping up with him during the 23rd edition of the tournament, when the protagonist became a lot more powerful after training with Kami. He is also capable of learning every single technique he watches, thus becoming a much more varied and virtuous fighter.
Furthermore, there is Ten Shin Han's greatest feat in the series, which is stalling semi-perfect Cell in the Dragon Ball Z portion of the story. The power creep had become quite notorious at that point, and there is a strong argument to be made that this was the last time that a human character in the franchise managed to have an influential role in combat against the main villain, with Mr. Satan's efforts against Buu taking place outside of the battlefield.
1) Uub

Uub is the most powerful human character in Dragon Ball, as he is the reincarnation of Kid Buu, the final boss of the original series and one of the strongest entities in the entire universe. This was a being who made quick work of a fully powered Super Saiyan 2 Vegeta, defeated a Super Saiyan 3 Goku, and also beat fat Majin Buu, thus making him a major force to be reckoned with.
The full extent of Uub's potential is yet to be shown in the story, although it is very likely that this is going to be a major plot point in Dragon Ball Super moving forward. Goku showed a lot of interest in training him because of his past life as Majin Buu, and there is nothing that can stop him from becoming one of the most powerful fighters in the universe.
Final thoughts
These are the most powerful humans in Dragon Ball, ranked from the weakest to the strongest. While there are numerous metrics for judging strength, this was considered based on their feats and achievements throughout the series.
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