When first introduced in One Piece’s Water 7 saga, CP9 was one of the most powerful organizations seen in the series thus far. The government-trained and authorized band of assassins were some of the most ruthless characters in One Piece, prioritizing the punishment of pirates above all else, including civilian life.
CP9’s formal and full introduction also heralded a power-scaling system for One Piece, which was quickly abandoned. However, its inaugural and sole use in One Piece did fans the favor of ranking the CP9 agents by overall strength, making the pecking order incredibly clear.
Here’s every member of CP9 in One Piece, ranked based on strength.
One Piece’s CP9 agency falls into the classic trope of weak leading the strong
8) Spandam (9)

Coming in dead last with a power level of 9 is the leader of CP9, Spandam. For context, the power scaling system of One Piece counts an average marine with a weapon as a 10, making the leader of this assassin organization even weaker than a typical soldier.
That being said, Spandam does have supplemental items that boost his strength. He is literally and metaphorically a threat via his Eleph-Eleph Fruit Sword Funkfreed and access to the Buster Call. Despite these tricks, however, he was and still is one of the weakest characters in the series.
7) Kalifa (630)

In seventh with a respectable 630 power level is Kalifa, the femme fatale of CP9 and, additionally, wielder of the Bubble-Bubble Fruit. According to this ranking system, any power level above 500 is classified as superhuman, which emphasizes just how strong Kalifa is.
Despite her low ranking within the group, she was still undoubtedly a force to be reckoned with. While it’s true he wasn’t fighting back, she was strong enough to knock Sanji out and utterly defeat him, proving just how powerful she was at the time.
6) Fukurou (800)

The sixth strongest member of CP9 is Fukurou, who is also the one who indexes the other members’ power rankings. He shows up with a power level of 800. As mentioned above, anything upwards of 500 is considered superhuman, putting Fukurou well into that category.
His powers are relatively unremarkable outside of the typical CP9 agent Rokushiki's abilities. However, he’s shown enough strength to easily beat down Franky, who himself is no pushover when it comes to a fight.
5) Kumadori (810)

In fifth at a power level just above Fukurou’s 800 is Kumadori clocking in at 810. While the gap may indicate a minimal difference in their physical strength, Kumadori is undoubtedly the stronger of the two.
This is mainly thanks to his Seimei Kikan technique, which grants him total control over his entire body and all bodily functions.
Beyond this, there’s nothing too remarkable about his other abilities, such as the Rokushiki which all CP9 members are able to use. While he does have some interesting variations, none of them are creative or seemingly powerful enough to warrant a higher ranking.
4) Blueno (820)

The Door-Door Fruit user Blueno kicks off the top half of CP9’s strongest members, coming in fourth with a power level of 820. His powers are nothing special in terms of pure combat, but his Door-Door Fruit skills can add an extra, unforeseen level of difficulty in fighting him.
Blueno’s main highlighted quality, which separates him from the lower members, is his perception and intuition. A major example of this is when he sees Spandam’s Den-Den Mushi, correctly surmising something to be amiss on Enies Lobby.
While still one of the strongest members of the group, it’s certainly not a major highlight of his value as an agent.
3) Jabra (2180)

Coming in third with a massive jump from fourth is Jabra with a power level of 2180. He is in possession of the Mutt-Mutt Fruit Model: Wolf during the Enies Lobby arc, which is used with incredible lethality and prejudice.
He’s over twice as strong as Blueno and certainly gives Zoro and Usopp a run for their money when teaming up against them with Kaku.
While he wasn’t as impressive during his fight with Sanji, he still put on a good show which demonstrated why he’s the third-strongest agent. His Devil Fruit powers also synergise well with his Rokushiki skills, boosting his overall physical strength and giving him sharp, elongated nails for extra damage and depth.
2) Kaku (2200)

In second place is Kaku, who is one of the smartest members of CP9. A major example is his ability to function as a lie detector by checking the speed of one’s pulse while making a statement.
His strengths and capabilities extend beyond this, but that specific skill undoubtedly demonstrates his intelligence and cunning.
Kaku’s strengths consist of the standard Rokushiki techniques all CP9 agents have, as well as his Devil Fruit powers. His Ox-Ox Fruit Model: Giraffe allows him to essentially turn his entire body into a sword via combination with the Rokushiki abilities. It’s incredibly destructive and dangerous, which the Enies Lobby arc perfectly showcases.
1) Rob Lucci (4000)

Finally, coming in first is the spiritual leader of the group, Rob Lucci. His power level of 4000 dwarfs that of every other member. Lucci's intelligence matches his power level, with cunning and ingenuity also two of his demonstrated skills.
Two major factors in Rob Lucci’s massive strength are his mastery over the Rokushiki and his Devil Fruit, the Cat-Cat Fruit Model: Leopard. He’s so talented in the former that he’s unlocked a secret technique no other member uses. The Rokushiki also blends with his Devil Fruit to become even more powerful.
Overall, he’s not only the strongest member of CP9 but also one of the fiercest in the series.
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This article was modified on Saturday, July 08, at 01:50 pm.