One Piece Devil Fruits are mysterious items that represent the limitless potential of human evolution. These fruits endow their consumers with everlasting superhuman powers in exchange for their ability to swim. Depending on the unique power it gives, a Devil Fruit is classified as either a Paramecia, a Zoan, or a Logia.
Under normal circumstances, only living beings can ingest Devil Fruits to gain their powers. However, the unparalleled scientist Dr. Vegapunk devised a groundbreaking process to defy reality and allow inanimate objects to eat Devil Fruits and harness the resulting powers just like any human.
The exact mechanism behind Vegapunk’s brilliant method remains undisclosed, but the answer to this dreamlike phenomenon may lie in the peculiar nature of Zoan-type Devil Fruits, the items that grant their users animal-based transformations. These Devil Fruits are said to possess a will of their own, a trait that explains why every One Piece Devil Fruit eaten by an inanimate object is a Zoan-type.
Every single One Piece Devil Fruit that has been eaten by an object, listed in chronological order of appearance
1) Dog-Dog Fruit Model: Dachshund

When an inanimate object consumes a One Piece Devil Fruit, it becomes a sentient, living creature. This phenomenon was first seen with Lassoo, the gun owned by Babe, a former officer of Baroque Works with the designation of Mr. 4. Upon ingesting the Dog-Dog Fruit Model: Dachshund, Lassoo transcended and gained life as a loyal dog.
In fact, Lassoo became kind of a gun dog, increasing his usefulness for Babe as it could function as a mobile cannon capable of opening fire independently. Lassoo shoots explosive baseballs—which are akin to cannonballs—for Babe to hit them with his baseball bat. Given Babe’s superhuman physical strength, the baseballs would be redirected with amplified force, subsequently unleashing catastrophic explosions.
Having been granted life, Lassoo can fire the baseballs on his own, without Babe needing to manually trigger the shot. One Piece has yet to reveal how Babe came into possession of Lassoo, but the surreal existence of this surreal gun dog surely bolstered his combat prowess.
That said, as powerful as he was, Babe was quite simple-minded, if not plainly dimwitted. During the Arabasta Arc, he teamed up with his colleague Miss Merry Christmas—true name, Drophy—to fight Chopper and Usopp from the Straw Hat Pirates. Despite their advantage in raw power, the two Baroque Works officers ended up losing to the two Straw Hats, who outsmarted them.
Imprisoned after the downfall of the Baroque Works, Babe and Lassoo managed to break out alongside Drophy, Zala, Marianne, Gem, and Mikita. Since then, the former Baroque Works officers have seemingly forsaken their days of villainy to revive the Spiders Cafe, where Babe works as a pizza delivery boy while Lassoo serves as the mascot.
2) Elephant-Elephant Fruit

A sadistic yet comical villain in One Piece, Spandam is a wicked man who planned to apprehend Nico Robin and obtain the blueprints for Pluton, one of the Three Ancient Weapons. His fighting skills are extremely poor, but nepotism helped him climb the ranks as he became the leader of CP5 and later CP9. He was even going to become the chief of CP0 before his father Spandine’s schemes got exposed.
Spandam’s sword Funkfreed is the second inanimate object to obtain the powers of a One Piece Devil Fruit. Dr Vegapunk’s innovative method allowed Funkfreed to somehow consume the Elephant-Elephant Fruit, allowing the weapon to transform into a sleek elephant-sword hybrid and a towering full-fledged elephant.
So, Funkfreed stands out as a unique weapon that blends the edge and hardness of a blade with the gargantuan size and outstanding physical force of a pachyderm. Spandam’s incompetence undermines Funkfreed's good potential, as he is too weak and inept to properly wield the sword in battle.
Physically weaker than even the most average foot soldier of the Navy, Spandam couldn’t learn a single Rokushiki technique or any form of Haki. His lack of combat prowess makes him a laughable owner for a weapon that would be formidable in the hands of a skilled fighter.
As a sentient weapon that has been given life by a One Piece Devil Fruit, Funkfreed could theoretically fight on its own. However, taken on its own, Funkfreed is weaker than Franky was in the Enies Lobby Arc. At the time, Franky easily intercepted and overpowered the sword. Also, Funkfreed is just as cowardly as Spandam, which makes it more inclined to surrender than to fight for its master.
3) Sala-Sala Fruit Model: Axolotl

Among the One Piece Devil Fruits ingested by inanimate objects, the Sala-Sala Fruit’s story stands out as one of the oddest. This Zoan-type Devil Fruit found its host in the gas cloud that had originated after Caesar Clown detonated one of his chemical weapons of mass destruction on the island of Punk Hazard.
Following the disaster, Caesar compressed the poisonous HS2 gas generated from the explosion to gather it into a slime-like gelatinous mass he called Smiley. He then gave Smiley life and sentience by somehow feeding it the Sala-Sala Fruit Model-Axolotl.
While One Piece Devil Fruits have occasionally imbued solid objects with their unique abilities, Smiley’s case set a groundbreaking precedent as the first non-solid substance to gain similar powers in the series. Smiley was seen using its Zoan features to transform into an axolotl, an amphibian salamander, and therefore move and attack on its own.
After deploying Smiley against the Straw Hat Pirates and the G-5 Marines, Caesar fed the slime a special candy steeped in a certain agent. This caused Smiley to revert to its original gas form, but with a much deadlier poison compared to before.
Essentially, the sentient slime Smiley became Shinokuni, a lifeless but more toxic gaseous entity capable of petrifying its targets upon contact. As Smiley “died,” the Sala-Sala Fruit Model: Axolotl immediately returned to circulation, appearing as a blue-colored apple with a swirly pattern on its epicarp and a curly stem.
4) Dog-Dog Fruit Model: Tanuki

A curious case of a One Piece Devil Fruit being ingested by an inanimate object was seen during the Wano Arc. In this case, the owner of the dreamlike item was Tenguyama Hitetsu, the former Daimyo of the Kuri region and Shogun of Wano, as well as father to the late Kozuki Oden and grandfather to Hiyori and Momonosuke.
Tenguyama possesses a teapot that became a sentient living creature after consuming the Dog-Dog Fruit Model: Tanuki. Since then, the teapot was named Bunbuku and has become a friendly household pet to Tenguyama and his young protege Kurozumi Tama. Bunbuku’s story and name are a playful—although reversed—reference to a Japanese folktale in which a tanuki turns into a teapot.
As Eiichiro Oda revealed in a SBS, Bunbuku can no longer be used to serve its original purpose of boiling water as it is a full-fledged living being now. So, even though the tanuki was originally a teapot, the heat would harm it. Interestingly, of all the One Piece Devil Fruits eaten by objects, this one is the first that didn’t wind up in a weapon or anything used as such.
5) Dog-Dog Fruit Model: Cerberus

Among all the One Piece Devil Fruits fed to inanimate objects, the Cerberus is the only one that has yet to make its debut in the anime. This is because it only appeared recently in the manga’s Elbaph Arc, which the anime adaptation has yet to catch up with.
The Mythical Zoan Fruit of the Cerberus animates the sword of Saint Figarland Shamrock, son of Saint Figarland and twin brother of “Red-Haired” Shanks. As the current leader of the Holy Knights, the elite law enforcers of Mary Geoise, Shamrock fulfills a pivotal role in the World Government.
Despite its revered name of “Holy Land,” Mary Geoise masks a veritable inferno, harboring the World Government’s most sinister representatives, individuals with vicious beliefs and even more nightmarish transformations. In Ancient Greek tales, the Cerberus was said to guard the underworld’s gates, so it’s only poetic that Shamrock’s sword draws upon similar powers.

Shamrock’s weapon—a saber reminiscent of Shanks’ Gryphon and Garling’s yet unnamed sword—can indeed summon a monstrous three-headed dog. The sword is fully sentient and obediently transforms into a full beast or a beast-sword hybrid at Shamrock’s command. Each of the three heads of the Cerberus sprouts an additional blade for increased lethality.
Shamrock can use his sword to perform unique techniques such as seamlessly detaching the three heads of the Cerberus from its main body to make them move on their own and attack the intended target with their razor-sharp blades. So far, Shamrock has only used his Devil Fruit-enhanced sword to torture the already captive Loki, but there’s no doubt that he can do much more than that.
Of all the One Piece Devil Fruits eaten by inanimate objects, the Cerberus ingested by Shamrock’s sword is the only one to be a Mythical Zoan. It's also the only One Piece Devil Fruit to have reached Awakening—the superior stage that allows Devil Fruit users to obtain the full potential of their abilities—as evidenced by the cloud of black flames and smoke surrounding it.
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