Fairy Tail 100 Years Quest episode 24, titled This hideous world, brings an intense story as Elentear faces total destruction. Selene, the Moon Dragon God, escapes through a portal with Suzaku, leaving the world in chaos as Magic Power grows out of control.
Natsu and his team hurry to stop Alta Face, a powerful monster created by Selene's distortions, while the villagers of Whiteout Village band together to protect their home. With danger everywhere, the mages and villagers fight side by side in their biggest challenge yet, determined to save Elentear and stop the disaster before it's too late.
Fairy Tail 100 Years Quest: Gray vs Hakune
In Whiteout Village, Gray and Hakune faced off in an intense battle amidst snow conjured by their magic. Gray launched his Ice-Make: Lance, but Hakune easily froze it, boasting her power to freeze Magic Power itself. Declaring that no mage could match her, she began freezing Gray.
Unyielding, Gray activated his Ice Devil Slayer Magic, breaking free and counterattacking. Hakune, determined, changed into her battle attire and summoned an avalanche.
Gray froze it and countered with Zeroth Destruction Bow, only for Hakune to freeze it in turn. Both acknowledged each other as formidable opponents before Hakune exploited Gray's weakness, lulling him into a dream world with her magic.
Gray awoke in a seemingly perfect life with Juvia and their son, Greige. Though tempted to stay, he quickly realized it was an illusion when he saw loved ones like Silver, Ultear, and Ur at a party. Despite Juvia's plea to remain, Gray broke free, declaring his goal to make the former happy in reality. Furious, Hakune summoned a Diamond Titan, countered by Gray's army of Ice Giants. The titanic clash ended with Hakune's defeat, leaving Gray victorious.
Fairy Tail 100 Years Quest: Crisis of expanding magic in Elentear
As the ground trembled, Elentear faced a catastrophic crisis. The Chief Shrine Maiden explained that the Magic Power was expanding uncontrollably, threatening the world with destruction. Touka suggested using their Whiteout power, but Faris revealed that Selene's presence made it impossible.
The villagers panicked as Hands emerged across the landscape. Faris identified Selene as the cause of the expansion, urging her defeat to stabilize the Magic Power. The Chief Shrine Maiden rallied the villagers, urging them to fulfill their duty to erase the overflowing Magic and protect their home. She placed her faith in the mages fighting for their world.
Meanwhile, Natsu's group raced toward Blackmoon Mountain using Touka's Aqua Aera, battling Hands that produced monstrous Tsumeakas. Natsu and Happy reached the summit but were too late to stop Selene, who escaped through a portal, followed by Suzaku.
Though Selene was gone, the Magic Power continued to swell. Wendy investigated the Hands, deducing that they were interconnected and linked to an underground central source. Determined, the team decided to attack the main body.
Fairy Tail 100 Years Quest: Natsu and group face off against Alta Face
Deep underground, the team discovered the main body, a monstrous entity called Alta Face that resembled Face. Gaining sentience through Selene's distortions, Alta Face sought to destroy the world by flooding it with Magic Power. The team attacked, determined to save Elentear, while Wendy enchanted them for battle.
In Whiteout Village, the Chief Shrine Maiden shared Alta Face's history. It was once a calamity amplifying Magic Power without limit, and their ancestors sealed it underground. Over time, it was forgotten, though the Hands remained as remnants. The Shrine Maiden expressed faith in the mages from another world, believing they could stop the revived monster.
As Alta Face unleashed its power, Natsu and the group fought valiantly, their teamwork unwavering. Simultaneously, the Whiteout Villagers defended their home against the rampaging Hands, inspired by their leaders' words of resilience. Despite the growing danger, the alliance of mages and villagers stood united, prepared to protect Elentear and prevent its destruction.
Final thoughts
As Fairy Tail 100 Years Quest episode 24 concludes with Selene escaping alongside Suzaku and Elentear teetering on the edge of destruction, fans are left on the edge of their seats. The fate of this magical world hangs in the balance, to be revealed in the next episode on December 29, 2024.
Related links:
- Fairy Tail 100 Years Quest episode 23: Selene takes on Suzaku as Lucy has a hard time against Mimi
- Fairy Tail 100 Years Quest episode 22: Aquarius comes to Lucy's rescue as Natsu encounters Suzaku
- Fairy Tail 100 Years Quest episode 21 - Natsu's group captured by Selene's forces as the Moonlight Divinities debut