In episode 7 of Fairy Tail 100 Years Quest, released worldwide on August 18, 2024, Natsu and his team look upon their victory over the Water Dragon God, Mercphobia. As the town of Ermina begins to rebuild, the group reflects on the challenges ahead, setting their sights on their next target: Drasil, where they hope to get information on the Wood Dragon God, Aldoron.
The episode highlights the team’s resolve to continue their quest despite the immense power of the remaining Dragon Gods. With one of the Five Dragon Gods sealed, the stakes are higher as they prepare for the battles to come.
Fairy Tail 100 Years Quest episode 7: Natsu looks back upon his fight with Mercphobia and how he lost control
After defeating the Water Dragon God, the people of Ermina begin rebuilding their town. Natsu and Happy watch from a cliff, where Natsu confesses that he doesn't remember much after consuming Ignia's fire. Happy reassures him, saying that he spoke both strange and typical things during that time.
Lucy, however, scolds Natsu, warning that if he doesn't control himself, he could lose control again the next time he eats flames. She also blames him for burning her chest, although Wendy had already healed her. Happy reveals that it was Lucy who brought Natsu back to his senses, prompting an apology from Natsu. As they feel the breeze, they believe the town will recover.
Fairy Tail 100 Years Quest episode 7: Mercphobia reveals that he's no longer a Dragon and has lost his powers
Meanwhile, Gray and the others explain to the townspeople that they were always human, and their fish-like forms were a result of the Water Dragon God's magic, which allowed them to live underwater. The people, touched by their protector’s care, are saddened when they recall his defeat, thinking he rampaged in wrath.
Karameel clarifies that it was not wrath but sorrow, as the Water Dragon God was controlled by a power beyond his ability to resist. Mercphobia, the Water Dragon God, then appears, much to the joy of the townspeople. However, he reveals that his magic power has diminished, making him essentially human.
While the people are saddened by this news, Mercphobia assures them that this is for the best, as he now desires to live among them. The townspeople cheer as Natsu and his group arrive, with Lucy noting that their mission is complete.
At Magia Dragon, Elefseria observes a mural where the jewel in the center glows, while the image representing Mercphobia fades. The old mage is shocked that one of the Five Dragon Gods has been defeated and wonders if the 100-year quest might finally be nearing completion.
Meanwhile, at the Diabolos Guild, Skullion's team reports their encounter with Fairy Tail to their Guild Master, Georg Raizen. Georg, squeezing the juice out of a steak to drink it, remarks that after tasting dragon meat, he can’t forget the flavor.
He orders Skullion's team to bring him meat from a Dragon God. Elsewhere, Sting and the others visit Fairy Tail, only to find it empty. At the same time, on a boat at sea, Touka muses about turning the rest of the fairies white, asking Natsu to wait for her.
Fairy Tail 100 Years Quest episode 7: Mercphobia introduces the remaining Dragon Gods to Natsu and team
Natsu's team informs Mercphobia and Karameel about the appearance of Ignia, a Fire Dragon. Mercphobia is shocked that they survived the encounter and reveals that Ignia is one of the Five Dragon Gods and the son of Igneel. The group is surprised, but it explains how the Fire Dragon God knew Natsu.
Mercphobia, realizing Natsu was raised by Igneel, presumes this is why Ignia came himself. He warns them that Ignia, like the other Dragon Gods, is beyond their ability to defeat. However, Natsu and his friends remain determined, as this is their quest.
Gray inquires about the other Dragon Gods, and Mercphobia shares what he knows. The Wood Dragon God, Aldoron, is the largest and can read minds, Selene, the Moon Dragon God, harnesses the power of the stars, and Viernes, the Gold Dragon God, is a mystery even to him.
Wendy asks why the Dragon Gods are called such if they didn't choose the title themselves. Mercphobia explains that humans started calling them gods out of fear, regardless of their deeds. Karameel adds that humans often worship powerful beings they fear as gods, whether good or evil.
Erza thanks them for the information, and despite the warnings, they decide to continue their quest. As Natsu's group departs, Karameel apologizes to Mercphobia, feeling responsible for the destruction. Mercphobia reassures her, stating that the results are satisfactory: the calamity is over, the town is being restored, and life goes on. He asks her to call him Merc, which she agrees to with tears in her eyes.
Fairy Tail 100 Years Quest episode 7: Natsu and team depart from Ermina as they travel to Drasil
The team continues their journey towards the center of the continent. Gray complains about traveling on foot, but Erza, checking the map, insists they must. They decide to take a train from the next town, Tekka. That night, while camping, Lucy writes in her journal, reflecting on their next target, the Wood Dragon God Aldoron.
She worries about Natsu losing control again after consuming Ignia's fire. Just then, Natsu peeks into her tent, earning a scolding from Lucy. The next morning, the boys laugh at the prank Natsu pulled on the sleeping girls, leading to Erza chasing after him in anger.
Upon arriving in Tekka, Natsu grumbles about riding the train, but the others insist. Soon, a crowd mistakes Erza for the celebrity Elkis, leading to chaos until the real Elkis arrives to help them escape. She brings them to Fairy Nail, a Celebrity Guild, where their journey continues.
Final thoughts
In episode 7 of Fairy Tail: 100 Years Quest, Natsu and his team secure their first victory by defeating Mercphobia, the Water Dragon God. As Ermina begins to rebuild, the group sets their sights on Drasil, where they'd get more information on the formidable Wood Dragon God, Aldoron, signaling the next chapter in their perilous quest.
Related links:
- Fairy Tail: 100 Years Quest episode 8: Release date and time
- Fairy Tail 100 Years Quest episode 6: Mercphobia meets his end at the hands of Igneel's son
- Fairy Tail 100 Years Quest complete release schedule: All episodes and when they arrive
- 10 best anime like Fairy Tail to watch before Fairy Tail 100 Years Quest airs