Solo Leveling season 2 was spot-on once again with its latest episode. Following an intense battle with Baran and Jinwoo clearing the Demon Castle, he finally acquired the Elixir of Life. Wanting to test it immediately, he made his way to the hospital where his mother was admitted. As has been the case for Solo Leveling season 2, A-1 Pictures' effort in the animation shone bright.
Jinwoo reuniting with his mother added an emotional touch to the story. So far, the protagonist has had tunnel-vision, focusing solely on leveling up as much as possible to obtain the Elixir. Now, with it in hand, his mission was finally complete. In a brief scene, Jinwoo visits his mother and gives her the Elixir, which has fandom gushing, with chants of "did the manhwa justice" resounding.
Solo Leveling season 2 "did the manhwa justice" in latest episode
Solo Leveling season 2 delivered one of the series' most emotional moments by far. Since the new season’s release, many had anticipated this moment being covered, given the studio’s pacing choice. Needless to say, A-1 Pictures hit this one out of the park, bringing to life the moment Jinwoo's mother awakened from her Eternal Slumber. As such, the scene got the "did the manhwa justice" reaction.
As seen in season 2 episode 10, Jinwoo had finally achieved what he set out -obtain the Elixir of Life. For so long, he fought endlessly, put his life on the line, and nearly lost it in pursuit of getting stronger to acquire the Elixir. He hesitated as he stood by his comatose mother, bringing himself to trust the System's miracles. He gently sat her up with a deep breath and slipped the red liquird between her lips.
Setting her back down slowly, he sat in anticipation, praying hard the Elixir would work. This is where A-1 Pictures' work shone bright - the winds began to blow warmer, pushing open the hospital room's curtains. As it did so, the moonlight washed over his mother and eventually reached her face, healing the burn on her neck and the wrinkles on her face.
As he looked away briefly, his mother called out to him. She recognized her son—bruised and battered though he was. All the battles and near-death experiences had changed him, but the little boy within emerged as soon as his mother touched his face. Seeing her smile and hearing her voice after four long years was all worth it, as a tearful Jinwoo rejoiced inside.
Fans gushing over Jinwoo and his mother's emotional reunion
Fans of the series had tears in their eyes and happiness on their faces when Jinwoo finally accomplished his goal. Solo Leveling season 2 has been nothing but a treat, and this scene took things to a whole new level. Many took to social media almost immediately to share their reactions and celebrate such a heart-touching moment in the series.
"I'm fine, I didn't cry, my phone was filled with tears" - a user wrote.
As expected, a moment like this is overwhelming to the emotions. A major part of the fandom blamed the phone for crying or onions being cut nearby for tears forming in their eyes. However, it cannot be denied that the animation elevated an already impactful scene. This one lived up to and exceeded what was promised at the beginning of Solo Leveling season 2.
"This was a beautiful scene" - a fan posted.
The background score, the use of the moonlight, the brief shot of Jinah also realizing that something was odd, Jinwoo's tears - everything combined pushed this scene to its heights. It was beautifully animated and brought out the emotions flowing at that moment. There is something inherently touching about a mother and her child reuniting after a tragic ordeal.

"Absolutely beautiful episode, Luke. Animation was great, ost by Sawano Hiroyuki was stunning. The voice acting was amazing. Jinwoo finally did it. Very emotional moment" - an X user commented.
Another fan expressed their appreciation for episode 9's beauty. The voice acting coupled with the original soundtrack by Sawano Hiroyuki played a major role in elevating the scene. It fleshed out Jinwoo's struggles and the achievement of finally acquiring the Elixir to save his mother's life. As mentioned previously, the effort of A-1 Pictures continues to surprise and wow.
"Waiting all this time for this episode to drop was really worth it" - a netizen exclaimed.
Finally, many expressed that the wait was worth it, as the title of Solo Leveling season 2 epsiode 9. The manner in which this episode culminated part of Jinwoo's struggle to get stronger and acquire the Elixir was also one where audiences (along for the ride) witnessed a part of this journey reach fruition in the most fulfilling way. Truly, the studio is creating something special here.
Related links:
- Solo Leveling season 2 episode 9 highlights
- Solo Leveling season 2 episode 10 highlights
- Solo Leveling season 2 complete release schedule