The Dragon Ball anime series has captured the hearts of fans worldwide through its thrilling battles, captivating characters, and immersive storylines. Over the years, several anime adaptations have been released, including Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Dragon Ball GT, and Dragon Ball Super. These adaptations have continued to captivate audiences with their epic tales.
Each installment possesses its unique qualities, garnering a devoted fanbase. However, when enthusiasts rank these anime adaptations, the consensus often places Dragon Ball GT at the bottom.
Exploring the Reasons for the Dragon Ball Anime Fandom Hating on GT
One of the main reasons why Dragon Ball GT receives disapproval is due to the departure from the beloved adult Goku character. In this series, Goku undergoes a transformation into a child, significantly changing the show's dynamic. Fans had become accustomed to Goku as a powerful adult Saiyan, so the shift to a child version of the character received mixed reactions.
Not only did this alteration impact characterization, but it also influenced the overall tone and themes of the series.
Dragon Ball GT received criticism for its inconsistent storytelling and lackluster plot development. Unlike its predecessors, GT's narrative often felt disjointed, lacking the depth and complexity experienced by fans of the Dragon Ball franchise. Furthermore, the series introduced new concepts and transformations that failed to resonate with viewers, making it challenging for them to fully engage in the storyline.
Why do Dragon Ball Anime Fans Fear that Daima May Turn Out to be Like GT?
The lack of popularity of Dragon Ball GT among fans becomes evident when considering its striking similarities to Dragon Ball Daima. Despite being an unreleased anime, Daima has sparked fan discussions due to its shared unfavorable characteristics with GT. Both series deviate from the established formula and bring about a significant shift in the portrayal of the central character.
Fans are concerned because the premise of Goku turning back into a kid in the series seems too similar to Dragon Ball GT, which starts with Goku becoming young again.
Dragon Ball GT faced significant controversy among fans due to its minimal involvement from Toriyama. However, with the introduction of Dragon Ball Super, GT was effectively disregarded as part of the series' canonical storyline. Despite the surface-level similarities, it's essential to note that Toriyama's confirmed role in Daima's production should alleviate concerns of a repeat scenario.
Fans Give Dragon Ball GT a Drastically Lower Ranking as Compared to Other Dragon Ball Anime Adaptations
The dissatisfaction with Dragon Ball GT becomes apparent as fans compare and rank the different Dragon Ball anime adaptations. In a tweet shared by Rénaldo, an avid Dragon Ball enthusiast, he evaluates the series.
Following Rénaldo's footsteps, more Dragon Ball anime fans joined to rank their favorite adaptations. However, in every instance, Dragon Ball GT was consistently regarded as the least favored choice.
Final Thoughts
The ranking of Dragon Ball GT among fans serves as a cautionary tale for Dragon Ball Daima. The dissatisfaction towards GT, primarily due to the divergence from adult Goku and the lackluster storytelling, implies that any future Dragon Ball series should take heed of the elements cherished by fans.
By assimilating the criticisms aimed at GT, Dragon Ball Daima can strive to create an anime that profoundly resonates with fans and circumvents the challenges that its predecessor faced.