After many years of waiting, One Piece has finally introduced fans to the enigmatic figure of Dr. Vegapunk. However, things are not what they seem. It was disclosed that the female-looking person who claimed to be Vegapunk is a cyborg and that there are six similar bodies in total, one of whom may or may not be the scientist's true appearance.
But the shocking news was not over. One Piece 1062 revealed that CP0, the greatest of all the secret agencies in the World Government's direct employment, is approaching Egghead Island with an outrageous mission - killing Vegapunk. Follow this thread to learn everything about CP0 and its goals.
Disclaimer: This article contains major spoilers from the One Piece manga up to Chapter 1062 and reflects the opinions of the writer.
The return of the CP0 danger: Every detail about the organization in One Piece 1062
What is the CP0

Ruling most of One Piece's version of Earth, the World Government is the greatest political power in the series. The overall leader is Im, whose direct orders are carried out by the Five Elders, who act as the greatest authority as a facade for the public. The World Government's main military force is the Marine, tasked with law enforcement, international security, and military operations.
However, the World Government also employs some secret agencies, the Cipher Pols. The members of these groups are meant to conduct investigations, covert activities, and assassinations under the World Government's direct order. The most prominent Cipher Pols is CP0, whose abilities surpass even those of CP9.
CP0, whose full name is Cipher Pol Aigis Zero, contrasts with SWORD, a secret unit within the Marine itself. The word "Aigis" comes from the word "Aegis," meaning "Shield" in ancient Greek. As a result, there appears to be an opposition between "sword" and "shield," hinting at a similar contrast between the two secret organizations.
CP0 agents possess a remarkable amount of knowledge over reserved subjects concerning the World Government, including Dr. Vegapunk's work and the Worst Generation Supernova X Drake's true allegiance.
Lucci and Kaku are now CP0 agents

Complete information regarding the organization's hierarchy and its members is yet to be disclosed. However, it was revealed that the strongest fighters within the ranks of CP0 are the agents who wear masks on their faces. The masked agents were stated to be in a class of their own compared to the others.
Some of the CP9 agents, who were beaten by Strawhat Pirates before the time skip, were reinstated after a temporary dismissal and promoted to CP0. This is the case with Lucci, Kaku, Blueno, and Kalifa. It is currently unknown if the other members of the CP9, i.e., Jabra, Kumadori, and Fukuro, are now a part of CP0 like their former colleagues.
Lucci and Kaku were revealed to be masked agents. Hence, during the time skip, they must have improved their strength. A testament to this, they have not only become a part of CP0 but have also reached a level high enough to be among the absolute strongest members of the organization. Thus, it is likely that Lucci and Kaku possess strong Haki now.
Lucci was the strongest in CP9 history. He is a sadistic and emotionless individual. From his perspective, being weak is as much a sin as being a criminal. During the Enies Lobby arc, he fought against Monkey D. Luffy, challenging him to a fierce battle. However, after a tremendous struggle, Lucci ended up losing the fight.
Within the CP9, Lucci's mastery of the Rokushiki martial arts style was unparalleled. He was the only agent who could perform Rokuogan, a powerful secret technique. He ate the Cat Cat Model: Leopard Zoan Fruit, earning himself the ability to transform into a human-leopard hybrid. This upgrade allowed him to fight on equal grounds with Luffy, who was using his Gears.
Even Bartholomew Kuma, one of the Seven Warlords, praised Lucci's strength and was surprised to hear of his loss. During the Levely, Lucci reappeared in Mary Geoise, along with Kaku, with the two being shown as prominent members of the CP0.
Kaku is the second strongest member of the CP9, only below Lucci. Despite being an assassin and one of the main antagonists of the Enies Lobby arc, he is an honorable man who regrets his evil deeds. He fought valiantly against Zoro, the second-strongest individual in the Strawhats, but was defeated once the latter went all out on him.
Thanks to the Ox-Ox Fruit Model: Giraffe Fruit, Kaku gained the ability to transform into a human-giraffe hybrid. This enhanced the strength and durability of his body and the power of his moves, allowing him to rely on highly destructive attacks.
Moreover, Kaku is an accomplished swordsman with a peculiar style called the Four Sword Style. It combines his dangerous Rankyaku techniques, enhanced due to his Zoan Devil Fruit powers, with his skillful swordsmanship to create an overwhelming combination of sheer speed and coordinated sword cuts.
The other members of the organization

An agent with a bowler hat took part in several events during the Wano arc. According to the Five Elders, he is one of the finest agents among all the organization members, whose name is yet to be revealed. He initially monitored the situation of the fights during the Raid on Onigashima. He and his colleague Maha were later ordered to search for Nico Robin and capture her.
The two CP0 agents confronted X Drake and Apoo, who temporarily allied against them. However, Apoo left, and Drake ended up overpowered. Later, on the assassins' path stood Izo, the former commander of the Whitebeard Pirates. He fought against Maha, with the battle ending in a mutual knockout.
The bowler hat-wearing agent, who remained alone, was then ordered to interrupt his previous assignment and go to the rooftop to interfere in the fight between Luffy and Kaido, causing the former to be defeated. The agent was able to accomplish that, but his interference in the battle also resulted in Kaido violently hitting him with his kanabo, presumably killing him.
During the Dressrosa arc, another CP0 agent, named Guernica, traveled there with the bowler hat-wearing agent and Maha. Their aim was to dismiss the previously reported revocation of Doflamingo from the Seven Warlords as a printing mistake for the country's population. They also insisted that everyone should remain quiet about this until the new report is published.
Guernica later mourned the bowler hat-wearing agent, acknowledging that his mission to interfere in the fight between Luffy and Kaido was a suicidal one. He then used Geppo to escape Onigashima and regrouped with the World Government fleet that was stationed right outside Wano.
Another CP0 agent is Stussy. She appears to be a polite woman but has a sadistic side as well. Stussy has incredible infiltrating skills, pretending to be an underworld businesswoman to cover her work as a secret agent of CP0. She is also a strong fighter, having mastered the Rokushiki and using advanced versions of various techniques, such as the Shigan.
Stussy first appeared during the Whole Cake Island arc during Big Mom's Tea Party. In the following arcs, she seems to have formed a trio with Lucci and Kaku, having been reecurringly depicted alongside them. The latest installment of the One Piece series, chapter 1062, featured Lucci, Kaku, and Stussy heading to Egghead Island, tasked with killing Vegapunk.
Lucci, Kaku, and Stussy received the mission to kill Vegapunk

In a sudden plot twist, the final page of One Piece 1062 showed the trio talking about the difficulty of killing Vegapunk. In fact, the scientist has control over a number of different cyborgs, making the CP0's intent to kill him troublesome.
Lucci, Kaku, and Stussy's mission involves eliminating all of Vegapunk's bodies without damaging the material of his research and the various assets of the laboratory. Together with the three agents is a Seraphim cyborg, one of the new Pacifista models. Lucci called the cyborg "a problem child," and said that they are meant to return it to Egghead before proceeding with their assignment.
Lucci wondered if the World Government's decision to kill Vegapunk, who is not only the greatest scientist in the One Piece world but also one of their employees, may be related with the recent incident in the Lulusia Kingdom. However, both Kaku and Stussy answered that it was better not to question the matter further.
Final thoughts

After the reintroduction of widely appreciated old villains such as Lucci and Kaku within the CP0 ranks, One Piece fans can't wait to learn more about their role in the main organization of the World Government's direct dependence.
The reveal of Lucci, Kaku, and Stussy's mission shocked the One Piece fandom. Many fans are questioning what led the World Government into deciding to kill someone as valuable as Vegapunk.
With the Strawhat Pirates also being on the Egghead Island, further interesting developments could be around the corner. The CP0 agents could try to attack the crew to capture Nico Robin. However, this seems rather a prohibitive task for them, given the presence of mighty individuals such as Luffy and Zoro, who are Advanced Conqueror's Haki users, plus the other crewmembers.
Moreover, on an island near Egghead, some marines from the SWORD group are also present. Among them are Tashigi, Helmeppo, and maybe Smoker, all of whom have past connections to the Strawhats. Thus, some sort of mutual alliance against the CP0 could be established. Marines and pirates temporarily joining forces against a common enemy is not unprecedented in One Piece.
Apart from the closure of the Wano arc, which according to some fans was disappointing, every One Piece chapter was a big hit. There is every reason for the next chapters to continue this streak.