Fans have been waiting since yesterday for any updates regarding the upcoming One Piece chapter 1062. Sadly, the first piece of information regarding this awaited chapter has caused great disappointment in the community. It looks like fans will have to wait until October 3 or 4, 2022, to be given any kind of spoilers about the events of the chapter. Continued reading to learn more.
Spoilers for One Piece chapter 1062 will take longer to arrive, as confirmed by leakers
The Twitter account known as OP_NEWS2022 reminded fans yesterday that the spoilers for One Piece chapter 1062 will not be published for another week. The manga is taking a short break to give the creator, Eiichiro Oda, a chance to rest. Since the chapter will not be released this week, leakers have decided to wait before publishing information regarding its plot.
Thankfully, fans can still expect hints about this upcoming entry in the manga series to start being published online soon. These hints will not give any significant information about the plot of the chapter, but they will become relevant once the initial spoilers start being published next week.
Why are fans so impatient to learn more about One Piece chapter 1062?

The latest chapter of the series came with one of the most awaited reveals for fans of the series, Doctor Vegapunk. For years, this brilliant and seemingly crazy scientist has been mentioned time and time again in the franchise. While not directly involved, they have been the driving force behind many of the most iconic events and power-ups in the series.
Oda has been hyping the doctor’s appearance in the manga for such a long time that their sudden appearance in the series has caused confusion for many fans. This was made worse by the feminine-looking body the doctor possesses. While it has not yet been confirmed, fans do not believe this to be Vegapunk’s original body.

Besides the doctor, fans of the series are also on edge due to Luffy, Jinbe, Chopper, and Bonney being separated from their friends in the last chapter. One Piece chapter 1062 could give fans some hints as to how these characters will find their crewmates in the future. The fact that the spoilers will take longer has fans on edge, as they are worried about the Straw Hat Pirates’ fate.
Lastly, the series still has to explain what will happen to Koby and why Blackbeard kidnapped him. His friends, Helmeppo and Hibari, have been asking their superiors for help in rescuing the pink-haired man. Fans are intrigued as to where this plot will head, which is why they are so impatient for spoilers about One Piece chapter 1062’s story to be released.
Final thoughts

As much as Oda would love to give fans weekly chapters non-stop, the author is still only human. He also needs to rest from the hard work he delivers weekly for his fans. While the community understands Oda’s need to rest, they are still somewhat disappointed by the fact that spoilers for One Piece chapter 1062 will not be published this week.
Fortunately, hints about the chapter’s plot will soon start being posted on social media. Fans should not fret, as they will not be left in the dark about this new chapter’s plot for long. Before we realize it, October 3 will be upon us, bringing news about this upcoming manga entry.