In the vast and captivating world of One Piece, each member of the Straw Hat Pirates possesses unique skills and abilities that contribute to their grand adventures. Franky, the shipwright of the crew, recently became the talk of the town in the manga community after he showcased remarkable growth.
Throughout the series, Franky has primarily been depicted as a brilliant craftsman. His role involves constructing and maintaining the Thousand Sunny, the Straw Hat Pirates' iconic ship. However, recent chapters by Oda, the creator of One Piece, have provided fans with a glimpse into Franky's true combat abilities.
The latest One Piece installment sheds light on Franky's incredible strength and determination, solidifying his position as a formidable fighter in the One Piece pirate world.
Franky's bravery and combat skills prove he is more than just a Shipwright in One Piece
In the recent chapter of the One Piece manga, Kizaru throws Luffy into the Vegaforce-01 robot, destroying it from its waist down. Upon seeing this, Franky is enraged and is ready to fight Kizaru. He charges his Radical Beam and aims it at Kizaru before the latter disappears at light speed.
He also confronted Big Mom in Wano Country during the Battle of Onigashima in order to protect Nami. Franky's bold decision to confront Big Mom and Kizaru in the Wano Country arc and the Egghead Island arc, respectively, demonstrates his unwavering courage and determination. Despite their overwhelming power and formidable reputation, Franky fearlessly enters into battle, showcasing his exceptional strength and utilizing a wide array of built-in weapons.
His cyborg enhancements transformed his body into an impervious fortress, capable of withstanding Big Mom's relentless attacks. In the face of danger, Franky's actions showcased not only his growth as a skilled warrior but also his devotion to his crewmates, exhibiting a willingness to shield them from harm at any cost.
Role of the less active Straw Hat Pirates in the One Piece series
Moving on to the remaining active members of the Straw Hat Pirates, each individual has made valuable contributions throughout each adventure. It's not only Franky who has demonstrated his bravery in perilous situations; the other less active members have also showcased their preparedness to act when circumstances demand it.
In the Egghead Island arc and the Wano Country arc, it is evident how characters like Nami, Usopp, and Chopper have remained loyal to the Straw Hat crew despite their less prominent roles in recent storylines. Nami, the skilled navigator, played a crucial role by utilizing her Clima-Tact to manipulate Zeus and control the weather.
This allowed them to defeat Ulti and gain a strategic advantage in battles. Throughout these arcs, Nami's unwavering loyalty and capabilities greatly assisted the Straw Hats.
Usopp, the notorious sniper, displayed his exceptional marksmanship and innovative tactics, dealing powerful blows to their adversaries from a distance. Meanwhile, Chopper, the lovable reindeer doctor, showcased his medical expertise by tending to injuries and curing ailments.
Notably, in the Wano Country Arc, he played a crucial role as he independently discovered the cure for the Ice Oni virus. He devised a countervirus known as Chopperphage that successfully eliminated Queen's virus from those who were infected.
The Straw Hats who are less active have consistently demonstrated their readiness to contribute to the situation with their unique talents whenever needed.
Final thoughts
The latest chapter of One Piece introduces Franky as more than just a shipwright. His bravery in facing off against a Yonko and his impressive combat skills have elevated his position within the Straw Hat crew.
Additionally, both the Egghead Island arc and the Wano Country arc highlight how even the quieter members of the crew always contribute to when necessary. It's exciting to see each character grow and develop as the story unfolds, further strengthening the bond between the Straw Hat Pirates and their fans.