In the last few years, Natsuki Takaya’s Fruits Basket manga once again got under the limelight due to a readaptation of the original 2001 anime series. With this canonical and fully complete adaptation, the series has become a household name in recent years, allowing a new generation of fans to discover the shojo hit.
Takaya’s manga was also adapted into a stage play called Fruits Basket The Stage during this resurgence period for the series. Many other popular anime and manga series have seen themselves adapted into a stage play format in recent years, such as Demon Slayer, Neon Genesis Evangelion, and Hunter x Hunter.
What's more exciting is that the Fruits Basket The Stage theatrical performance was recently announced, which is being set to receive a second stage play this year. Featuring a returning cast and new material, fans are eager to see Takaya’s classic shojo series get yet another high-quality adaptation.
Fruits Basket 2nd Season stage play set to run in early October 2023 in Tokyo
On Friday, May 26, the staff of the original stage play for Takaya’s Fruits Basket manga announced that a second stage play is set to run from October 6-15 of this year in Tokyo, Japan. Alongside the announcement, a teaser video for the new play and the production’s main cast were revealed.
The new play is set to feature a returning cast from the first. New cast members include Sho Ayanahi as Akito Sohma, Iori Noguchi as Isuzu Sohma, Daiki Miyoshi as Kureno Sohma, Masatoshi Shin as Kakeru Manabe, and Marina Horiuchi as Machi Kuragi.
Meanwhile, the returning cast members from the first play will see:
- Ayano-Christie Yoshida as Tohru Honda
- Naoya Kitagawa as Yuki Sohma
- Shohei Hashimoto as Kyo Sohma
- Hiroki Nakada as Ayame Sohma
- Shogo Tamura as Hatsuharu Sohma
- Ruito Koga as Momiji Sohma
- Yuna Sekine as Kagura Sohma
- Yuto Adachi as Ritsu Sohma
- Chisato Minami as Arisu Uotani
- Yukari Nakamura as Saki Hanajima
- Yuria Haga as Kyoko Honda
- Seiya Inagaki as Kazuma Sohma
- Yu Imari as Hatori Sohma
- Yuya Asato as Shigure Sohma
The first stage play ran from March 4-13, 2022, at the Nihonbashi Mitsui Hall in Tokyo. Executive Producer Nobuhiro Mori handled the script of the play, while Taro Hasegawa directed it. Avex Pictures streamed the play worldwide on March 12, after which it was available to streamed with English subtitles on March 24.
Takaya’s original manga was first serialized in Hakusensha’s Hana to Yume magazine from 1998-2006. The series inspired a 26-episode anime adaptation in 2001, which was followed up by a three-season reboot series that aired from 2019-2021. The reboot also received a compilation film titled Fruits Basket -prelude-, which opened in Japanese theaters on February 18, 2022.
Be sure to keep up with all anime, manga, film, and live-action news as 2023 progresses.