Gintama is one such anime where every character gets time to shine. While the series is generally known for its comedy, ardent fans know that it is a perfect blend of hilarity and seriousness.
Among the vast and vibrant cast of characters, Kagura stands out as a shining example of how a "shonen heroine" can be just as captivating and popular by existing outside the stereotypes.
As fans continue to revisit the epic storylines and moments delivered by the Gintama anime, one fan brought up a particular moment from the popular Yoshiwara in Flames arc that stands out as one of the most defining moments for Kagura's character.
Fans look back on Kagura going berserk in Gintama's Yoshiwara in Flames arc
Throughout its celebrated run, Gintama has proven time and time again that it can deliver serious and epic storylines just as well as it delivers comedy. As such, there have been several storylines where the anime suddenly took a dark turn, like the Benizakura arc, the Shogun Assassination arc, and the Courtesan of a Nation arc.
Out of all these arcs, the Yoshiwara in Flames arc featured a particular moment that completely redefined a character usually famous for her unseriousness and cheerful nature. The character in question here is Kagura, a member of the infamous Yato tribe, who was also one of Sakata Gintoki's most trusted and valued companions.
In a recent tweet, a fan highlighted a memorable scene from the Yoshiwara in Flames arc of the Gintama anime. In it, Kagura enters a frenzied state and turns into a literal killing machine when she sees that Shinpachi, one of her closest friends, is about to meet his end at the hands of Abuto.

What followed was a one-sided beatdown, as Kagura, who had lost all sense of her sanity, mercilessly beat down and overpowered Abuto, an experienced fighter of the Yato tribe. Although Abuto had previously been in control of most of the fight, Kagura's awakening had completely turned the tables on him.
Despite having an edge in combat skill and experience, Abuto was completely decimated by Kagura, to the point that even Shinpachi wondered if it was the same Kagura who was facing him a few moments ago.
This moment stands out as the most shocking and impactful development for Kagura's character, especially since it was a far cry from her usual demeanor. As such, fans hailed this moment by declaring it cemented Kagura as a "peak shonen heroine."
How fans reacted to Kagura's rampage in Gintama
There's no doubt that Kagura going berserk against Abuto was one of the most unexpected and memorable moments of the Gintama series. It cemented the fact that, despite her usual childish and bratty nature, Kagura is an extremely powerful character who wouldn't hesitate to abandon her morals and humanity to protect her friends.
After revisiting this moment, one fan pointed out that Kagura was only 14 years old during the said period. Her ability to overpower an experienced Yato fighter at that age was a testament to her potential as a fighter.
"AND SHE WAS ONLY 14," one fan said.

Another fan commented that they recently finished watching this arc and declared that this moment was 'peak.' This statement holds true as it showcases how destructive Kagura could be if pushed to her limits.
"Recently watched this arc, this was so peak," another fan said.
One more fan, sharing the same sentiment, declared that Kagura was 'goated,' meaning that her character was one of the greatest in the anime.
"SHES GOATED," the fan commented.
One fan said that Kagura was special, which is certainly an undeniable fact. As mentioned, Kagura is one such character that showcases that a female character doesn't need to adhere to usual shonen stereotypes to be an unforgettable part of a series.
Kagura is undoubtedly an integral part of the Gintama series. Her usual antics and goofy nature made her an instant favorite among fans. She is also an irreplaceable part of Gintoki's life, given that they seem to be more in sync than any other character in the series.
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