Mangaka Kumo Kagyu and illustrator Noboru Kannatsuki’s dark-fantasy anime series Goblin Slayer is finally making a grand return with season 2, titled Goblin Slayer ll, after a four-year-long hiatus. The sequel was announced at the GA FES 2021 livestream event held by the popular novel publishing company GA Bunko. During the announcement, two teaser key visuals were revealed.
Goblin Slayer fans can breathe easy as the anime has finally dropped the official teaser for the sequel featuring all the main characters from the previous season, including Priestess, Cow Girl, Lizard Priest, and others. Moreover, it has been disclosed that all the cast members from season 1 will reprise their roles in Goblin Slayer ll. The sequel is set to be released in 2023.
Goblin Slayer season 2 will likely cover the sixth volume of both light novel and manga series
What did the first season leave off in light novel and manga?
The first season of Goblin Slayer adapted the light novel and manga series in a random order, eventually confusing the readers with the arcs. Season 1 covers the first two volumes of the light novel series. Here’s a list of episodes covered from the respective chapters of the light novel and manga series:
- Episodes 1 to 4: Light novel volume 1 and manga chapters 1 to 9
- Episode 5: Light Novel volumes 1, 2, and 4; Goblin Slayer Brand New Day chapter 1 and manga chapters 10 and 17,
- Episodes 6 to 9: Light novel volume 2 and manga chapters 17 to 29
- Episodes 10 to 12: Light novel volume 1 and manga chapters 10 to 15
As of January 2023, Goblin Slayer has 16 light novel volumes and 13 manga volumes in circulation worldwide. In addition, the mangaka also launched two spin-off series called Goblin Slayer Side Story: Year One and Goblin Slayer Side Story 2: Daikatana of Singing Death.
What to expect from the upcoming season?
The penultimate episode of season 1 ended in volume 1, chapter 13 of the light novel (since the anime's first two volumes are covered in a random order, the last three episodes were adapted from the first volume), and volume 6, chapter 30 in Kosuke Kurose’s manga. Unlike the light novel, the manga series is adapted in chronological order.
The theatrical film Goblin Slayer: Goblin Crown covered the entire fifth volume of the light novel series and volumes 9, 10, and 11 in the manga series. The second and third volumes will likely be skipped, as the former is less about action, and the latter is an anthology of events between volumes 2 and 3.
Given the order of the anime adaptation, it is hard to anticipate where the second installment will resume the heroes' journey. However, most fans expect it to pick up from the sixth volume of the light novel series, which will see the debut of two haughty newcomers, Wizard Boy and Rhea Fighter.
The new adventurers will join Goblin Slayer at the Adventurer’s Guild to prepare for the next mission of eradicating goblins near the old mausoleum. For now, it is just mere speculation.
The official teaser for season 2 hasn’t unveiled the second installment's opening and ending theme. However, it is expected that additional information regarding the series’ theme songs, new characters as well as their cast, and the exact release date of the series will be revealed soon. Fans can also expect the synopsis for season 2 to be disclosed with an extended official trailer.