Dragon Ball is one of the most popular battle shonen series, featuring many captivating scenes that have defined the story throughout the years. Gohan's Super Saiyan 2 transformation against Cell is an iconic example and one that the vast majority of fans consider the character's peak moment and one of the biggest highlights of the entire series.
With regards to the transformation, the Dragon Ball fandom has constantly debated who Gohan's real father figure is between Goku, his biological father, and Piccolo, a man who has been there for him through thick and thin. Interestingly, a third figure, Android 16, is also a contender in this list, as Gohan's Super Saiyan 2 transformation should also be attributed to the input of android.
While Android 16 and Gohan did not have a particularly close relationship, the former's speech and death inspired the young Saiyan to push his limits and fight for what was right.
Disclaimer: This article contains spoilers for the series. Any opinion expressed here belongs to the author and not Sportskeeda.
Android 16 was instrumental in Gohan's transformation in Dragon Ball
A big twist in the Cell saga was Goku stepping out of the battlefield and claiming that Gohan was going to face and defeat the titular villain of the arc. While Goku stated that his son possessed the power to defeat Cell, the young Saiyan struggled because he did not want to engage in unnecessary conflict, which allowed the villain to gain the upper hand and even create the Cell Jrs. to attack his friends.
It was during this moment that Android 16 tried to self-destruct to destroy Cell, but to no avail, which led to his head being carried by Mr. Satan to talk to Gohan. In retrospect, this conversation most likely saved the universe during this arc and also gave rise to Gohan's most iconic moment and one of the franchise's most memorable scenes.
Android 16 told Gohan that there is no shame in fighting and that there are people like Cell who are not going to understand through words. He asked the young Saiyan to protect the animals and nature he loved so much right before being stepped on by Cell, thus dying and triggering Gohan's Super Saiyan 2, setting in motion the events that will lead the latter to defeat the former.
The legacy of Android 16
Android 16's speech in his final moments was probably the biggest character development for Son Gohan, even surpassing the influence of Goku and Piccolo. This is because the young Saiyan was struggling to come to terms with fighting and giving his all, which is why the android's words cut deep and spurred him on to defeat someone who, until that point, was the strongest villain in Dragon Ball.
Furthermore, when the Cell saga started with the arrival of Future Trunks and his warning of the androids, the general perception was that these individuals were monumental threats and enemies with no heart or compassion. Android 16, despite being fully robotic and not an enhanced human like 17 or 18, showed a lot of humanity and care for the world, which showed that these individuals were not fully bad or even evil.
Final thoughts
Android 16 was instrumental in Gohan's development in Dragon Ball because he told him the words he needed to hear when he was at his lowest point against Cell. And, despite his brief appearance in the franchise, his compassion and love for nature made a lasting impression on the fandom.
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