Ever since the Ultra Instinct was introduced in Dragon Ball Super, fans have been hoping to see more characters attain the form. While the next candidate who could have attained the form was Vegeta, he went down another path and attained the Ultra Ego form.
When one speaks about inheritance in Dragon Ball, it has often been observed that Saiyans' hybrid offsprings tend to be stronger than their parents. Following this observation, there seems to be a good chance that the one to inherit Goku's Ultra Instinct form in the future would be Gohan or Goten. While fans must have thought that Gohan would inherit the form, the series has already hinted at Goten attaining the form in the future.
Disclaimer: This article may contain spoilers from the Dragon Ball Super manga.
Dragon Ball hinted at Goten attaining the Ultra Instinct through his name

The biggest hint at Goten inheriting the Ultra Instinct form from his father Son Goku is the comparison between their names. The word "Goku" means "understanding the sky" or "understanding emptiness." As for Goten, his name only replaces "ku" from "Goku" with "ten." Given that "ten" means "heavens" in Japanese, Goten's name effectively means "understanding the heavens."
Considering how "heavens" are superior to "sky" or "emptiness," it makes sense to say that Goten might have been touted to be a step beyond his father. Therefore, Goten could be the character who would inherit Goku's Ultra Instinct form in the future.

Another hint towards such a possible development might be the setting of Dragon Ball Super. The series mainly focuses on divine beings such as Zeno, Angels, Supreme Kais, Gods of Destruction, and more. Considering that they are all divine beings, it can be said that the meaning of Goten's name fits well.
The Ultra Instinct form is essentially an ability that the Gods of Destruction strive to achieve. If Goten "understands the heavens," it could mean that he too might attain the form in the future. However, attaining such power should take a lot of training under an angel like Whis. So, if the manga does want to take this path, it will have to see Goten possibly training under Whis.

Such a plot development was also hinted at by the anime. Once when Goku was going to Beerus' planet to train, he was hoping to take Goten along with him. Unfortunately, Chi-Chi stopped him, halting Goten's possible progress.
Considering how the end of SUPER HERO Arc saw Goku taking Goten to Beerus' planet, one can hope for the young Saiyan to join his father to train under Whis. With that, fans can hope for Goten to attain the Ultra Instinct form in the future.
Even if one were to compare Goten's potential to all the Saiyans in the manga, he might only come second to Broly. Goten attained the Super Saiyan form at the ripe old age of seven. Hence, if he dedicatedly trained under a master, there is a good chance that he might do wonders in the future.
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