The Good Night World anime was released this week and the chaotic Akabane family is already making waves on Netflix. The concept of a dysfunctional family overcoming their issues through crazy anime elements is always going to be very appealing, and this series, written and drawn by Uru Okabe, is no different.
The most interesting part is that Okabe's manga had a somewhat short run (only five volumes back in the mid-2010s) and still managed to get a lot of critical acclaim. The combination of family dynamics with online video games was both hilarious and genius, giving this new Good Night World anime a lot more going in its favor.
Disclaimer: This article contains spoilers for the Good Night World anime.
The Good Night World anime and the history of the series
The Good Night World anime came out on October 12 and has already garnered significant attention on Netflix because of its simple yet effective premise: The central family is completely broken and can only connect through an online video game called Planet. However, there is a catch: the members of the family don't know that the others are playing Planet, which adds to the manga's appeal as there is a bit of a mystery going on.
They form a group in the game called "The Akabane Family" and they agree to not reveal their personal lives, which is something that eventually plays a role in the series. Due to a lot of plot shenanigans, the game eventually becomes part of the real world, prompting the members to put their differences aside in order to survive this new ordeal.
Of course, this series also has a major trait of most isekai anime - the story shows a lot of the videogame, in which members of the family have distinct character designs while playing online. These cool visuals only add to the allure of the Good Night World anime.
The history of the franchise
As mentioned earlier, Uru Okabe wrote this manga back in the mid-2010s, running from 2015 to 2017 and becoming a moderate success. While a lot of manga series can last for long periods of time, Good Night World never overstayed its welcome: the manga had a total of five volumes and has a very digestible story, which can be very useful for newcomers now that the anime has come out.
The series has recently published a prequel manga, Good Night World End, which focuses on events of the game and sets up several other aspects. However, it doesn't seem likely that Okabe is going to do a sequel of the series, or at least hasn't mentioned the possibility in any interview thus far.
The anime itself is an Original Net Animation, most commonly known as ONA in the anime community, and it seems that is going to cover the entire manga. It has been confirmed that it is going to have a total of 12 episodes, which can be binged on Netflix as of this writing.
Final thoughts
The Good Night World anime is a series with a premise that can be quite relatable to a lot of people, especially because it is shown through the lenses of anime insanity that everybody in the community loves.