The Good Night World manga has gained a lot more attention recently after its anime adaptation by Studio NAZ was released this week on Netflix. One of the selling points of the series is the fact that it follows a dysfunctional family trying to overcome their problems as an online video game begins taking a life of its own.
The great thing about the Good Night World manga by Uru Okabe is that it explores family dynamics while adding a kind of insanity that the medium is known for. The NAZ Studio adaptation has managed to capture the insanity of the Akabane Family and how they have to deal with the Planet video game as it tries to destroy them.
Disclaimer: This article contains spoilers for the Good Night World manga.
All the details about the Good Night World manga
Following the hype surrounding the anime adaptation of the manga on Netflix, several people have been wanting to read the Good Night World manga. They can do so by downloading the MangaONE app. This app was created by the series' publisher, Shogakukan, and people can download it to read all the manga they have in their catalog as of right now.
Unfortunately for those readers who would like to have a physical copy of the series, it is currently not available on Amazon. There are a couple of French editions of the series but they are limited to the first volume. Perhaps a possible good reception from the anime could help in this regard moving forward.
What to expect
As mentioned earlier, the manga has a very simple premise. There is an extremely dysfunctional where the parents are either abusive or estranged, and the entire environment is toxic. A lot of family members shut off and isolate, which leads to them finding solace in other things, including the virtual reality video game known as Planet.
Planet has a very detailed online system that allows them to find a safe space where they can have a good time and ignore the toxic family environment. However, there is a catch: the family members, without ever knowing they are playing with one another, form their own team in the game. They call themselves "The Akabane Family" and decide to keep their personal lives a secret as a "family rule".
Things take a turn for the worse when the game commences to invade their personal lives and become a reality, adding a supernatural element to the series. As this happens, the family has to reveal that they have been playing the game and facing the harsh environment they created. They need to do this not just to heal their family structure but also to survive what is a life-or-death situation in their own home.
Final thoughts
The Good Night World manga managed in just five volumes does what many series cannot do with twice or thrice as much material. It tells a phenomenal story that doesn't overstay its welcome. The Akabane family is fundamentally broken but is through the shenanigans of the Planet videogame that they begin to heal, but not without its shortcomings and problems along the way.