The Great Pretender anime series is an original net animation series which was first released on Netflix in June 2020 for Japanese users of the service. This was followed by a worldwide release of the series’ first three arcs, with the fourth arc following in November of that same year, which was overall very well received.
Fans eagerly waiting for the third season of the Great Pretender anime to be announced, with many seeing discussion of the series on social media and becoming curious about it.
With the kind of rave reviews fans are leaving on various social media sites and platforms, even non-anime fans are curiously researching the series and giving it a try.
Great Pretender anime’s season 3 still not announced, leaves fans disappointed everywhere
The Great Pretender anime series is available to watch worldwide on Netflix and has been since August of 2020. The series also had a run on Fuji TV’s +Ultra anime programming block, running from July to December 2020. It was positively received by both domestic Japanese and international fans, being called one of Netflix’s most successful original net animations yet.
For those without a Netflix subscription who still want to try the series, there is a manga adaptation written and illustrated by Daichi Marui, which began releasing on Mag Garden’s Mag Comi and LINE Manga serializations beginning on June 10, 2020.
Unfortunately, the manga went on hiatus on September 10, 2020, due to Marui’s poor health. There is at least one full volume available to purchase in both English and Japanese.
Staff and cast information
The Great Pretender anime series was animated by Wit Studio, most famously known for their work on the first three seasons of Attack on Titan. Equal in reputation is their work on the incredibly successful Spy x Family adaptation, which they produced in conjunction with CloverWorks studios.
The series was directed by Hiro Kaburagi, with Ryoji Masuyama in an assistant director role. Song Jingzhou, Masaya Saito, and Noriko Ozaki are listed as producers. Ryota Kosawa is credited with writing the series, while Yutaka Yamada is credited as being in charge of the series’ music. The series’ main Japanese cast includes the following:
- Chiaki Kobayashi as Makoto Edamura
- Junichi Suwabe as Laurent Thierry
- Natsumi Fujiwara as Abigail Jones
- Mie Sonozaki as Cynthia Moore
- Yohei Tadano as Kudo
What to expect
The Great Pretender anime series follows protagonist Makoto Edamura, a small-time Japanese con man who aspires to do bigger and better things, who is swindled by French thief Laurent Thierry into coming to Los Angeles with him. Upon arrival, Thierry and Edamura hatch a plot to swindle a film producer and secret mafia don out of millions in a fake drug deal.
This first heist makes up the first story arc of the series, with the three additional arcs each being new and unique heists. While jobs change, the core cast stays the same in the form of Edamura and Thierry, as well as their various associates and groups. The series also puts a heavy emphasis on who Edamura, Thierry, and others are as true people, not just con-artists.
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