Despite its expansive roster, a single One Piece character has proven himself to be a major inspiration for manga authors. Roronoa Zoro, or "Pirate Hunter Zoro," stands as a reference point for mangaka and is mentioned in several series, both anime and manga.
The influence of Eiichiro Oda's magnum opus extends far and wide, with many regarding Zoro as the manga/anime's original swordsman, bringing a unique style and intensity to the table.
Originally introduced as a bounty hunter, Zoro later joined Luffy's crew and became one of its two swordsmen. He rose to prominence as Luffy's right-hand man and a Senior Officer of the Straw Hat Grand Fleet.
One Piece character Roronoa Zoro inspires mangaka, as proved by Kagurabachi and Haikyuu!!
Popular sports series Haikyuu!! and the fast-growing manga Kagurabachi testify that Zoro is an inspiration to manga authors. No other One Piece character seems to have the kind of effect he has on other shows.
For instance, Kagurabachi chapter 28 displays a panel featuring the protagonist, Chihiro Rokuhira. What's interesting is how he wields his blade, one in hand and the other in his mouth, very similar to the One Piece character Zoro.
For those unaware, the series follows Chihiro's path of revenge against a gang of sorcerers who assassinated his father, the creator of 6 enchanted swords, with the help of a seventh, also forged by his father.
Similarly, in the Haikyuu!! manga, a certain panel in chapter 373 depicts protagonist Hinata holding up a copy of One Piece. In it, he reveals that he is a huge fan of One Piece character Roronoa Zoro. It seems like Eiichiro Oda's series exists even in other manga series.
Moreover, One Piece is even referenced in Inuyashiki. During the anime, Hiro Shishigami arrives at a character's home, dubbed the "Third Victim." While informing her of her father and little brother's passing, he asks if she reads manga. She answers in the affirmative, citing One Piece and Attack on Titan. Hiro then asks for her favorite One Piece character, to which she replies, Zoro.
This is yet another instance where the influence of Eiichiro Oda's masterpiece is shown. But it doesn't end there. The American sitcom The Simpsons has also taken the liberty to pay tribute to One Piece and other anime.
In season 11 episode 5, titled E-I-E-I-(Annoyed Grunt), the family cosplays. Homer Simpson appears as One Piece character Roronoa Zoro, Marge as Rangiku Matsumoto, Bart as Naruto Uzumaki, Lisa as Mikasa Ackerman, and little Maggie as Pikachu.
Final Thoughts
Not only Haikyuu!! and Kagurabachi, but a number of series, both Japanese and non-Japanese, have paid their respects to One Piece. To reiterate, this is a testament to how much of an effect Eiichiro Oda and his brainchild have had on the world.
One Piece is a paragon that will live on for centuries to come and forever serve as a top-quality manga/anime. There is little to no fault in it, and numerous elements are weaved together beautifully to produce an epic tale of friendship, dreams, adventure, freedom, action, and much more.
Related links:
Haikyu!!'s Hinata canonically has a favorite One Piece character, but it's not Luffy
One Piece: Are Zoro and Ryuma related? Explored
Zoro's 10 best fights in One Piece, ranked