Kawaki and his classmates have never been in more danger than they were in Boruto episode 271. Dark Hana was able to take over the teacher's body, giving her the ability to complete her mission of murdering Kae. To do so, the woman devised a plan to murder the students on a remote island.
Last week’s episode saw Hana realize that she was the assassin sent to kill Kae all along. It was also revealed that she had a second personality that arose from her survival instinct. The Island of Treachery, Boruto episode 271, focused on Dark Hana's attempts to kill her students while pretending to be the same teacher we knew. Continue reading to find out more about the episode and how fans reacted to it.
Disclaimer: This article contains spoilers for Boruto episode 271.
Kawaki witnessed something truly horrifying in Boruto episode 271
What happened in the last episode?

Boruto episode 270 began with Hana’s class preparing to welcome their teacher back from the hospital. Hana was delighted by the warm greeting, but she immediately felt strange. She recalled being Kae's assassin and discovered a hidden room in her home containing the assassin's equipment. It was revealed that she had a dark half, which took control of her body.
A rogue Shinobi?

Boruto episode 271 started with Hana and her class onboard a ship that transported them to an uninhabited island. Hana informed her students that they would be training on the island for the entire day after they arrived. The kids all thanked her for organizing the trip to compensate for their ruined school festival.
Dark Hana pretended to be moved by their words and began fake crying. She warned the kids that there could be dangerous areas on the island and that they needed to be cautious. As she was saying this, Mimi Inuzuka's puppy, Kikuchiyo, became entangled in a bear trap, severely injuring his paw. Hana kept smiling even after the animal was injured.

Sosha became terrified and told her classmates about a rumor about a rogue ninja who had escaped to the island. Kawaki was skeptical of the rumors because the bear trap appeared to be brand new. Hana responded that there have been cases of rogue Shinobis hiding for years on various islands.
Things worsened when the kids discovered that their food had been stolen as soon as they arrived on the island. Himawari reassured Hana that they could survive one night on the island after she apologized for the situation.
Fans on Twitter took note of how easy it was for Dark Hana to pretend she was moved by the student’s words. Some fans are sure she deserves an award for the performance, while others are jealous of her ability to cry on command.
Another incident occurs

Boruto episode 271 continued with Hana speaking with a small group of her students as they prepared to go inside the forest to look for food. The teachers instructed them to search in small groups of three to cover more ground. Hana told Himawari and Osuka to take Neon and her drone with them because they were missing a member.
The Uzumaki girl approached Kawaki to tell him that they were leaving soon. The black-haired boy warned his sister to be cautious and to scream if anything went wrong, as he was still suspicious of the earlier trap. Dark Hana smirked, thinking about how she could have already killed the kids if it hadn't been for her undercover mission.

Osuka, who had lived in the mountains for a time, knew which plants were edible, making her team's job easier. Back at camp, Kawaki approached Kae and inquired as to why she had been separated from the group. The princess revealed that she was making their teacher a flower crown. The girl was perplexed when Kawaki told her to stay close to the group.
At the same time, Himawari and her teammates began to hear strange noises coming from the forest. They conducted their investigation using Neon's drone, which was destroyed as it flew. The kids were terrified of the oncoming rogue Shinobi. Meanwhile, Dark Hana stood back and watched the scene, relishing the terror she was instilling in the children.
Kawaki’s feelings

Boruto episode 271 went on to show Kae giving Hana the flower crown she made for her. The princess thanked her teacher for all the good memories she helped her create during her time at the Academy. Himawari arrived on the scene, visibly shaken and informed them that Neon's drone had been destroyed.
Moments later, the students gathered around the broken machine, puzzled as to who could have done such a thing. Kawaki, who had more experience than the rest of the class, advised everyone to remain visible to others in order to ensure that whoever was attacking them could not find them alone.

The kids began preparing a meal for everyone using the food they had collected. While the kids were eating, Kawaki approached the trap that had injured Mimi's puppy. Kae noticed the boy's strange behavior and asked him what was wrong. The Uzumaki boy explained that the trap had been loaded with Kikuchiyo's special food, implying that the dog had been deliberately attacked.
Kae realized Kawaki was still convinced the assassin who was hunting her was still alive. The boy assured her that it was only a hunch and that she should not be concerned. The princess revealed that she would be returning to the Land of Bamboo after the training exercise, leaving her friends behind. Kawaki expressed his pleasure at spending time with her and the rest of the class.
Fans were absolutely terrified of the behavior Dark Hana demonstrated during the episode. The woman not only knew exactly who to target to leave the students vulnerable but also enjoyed every second of it.
Dark Hana reveals herself

Boruto episode 271 continued with Konashi approaching Kawaki and Kae. The boy had another candy that he wanted the princess to taste. He also made one for Kawaki, but he left it near his tent so he asked for the boy to accompany him. Dark Hana took advantage of the situation to approach Kae and ask for help in recovering her missing flower crown.
The duo began searching around the camp, while Kawaki and Himawari talked about the strange situation they were in. The younger Uzumaki told her brother that the drone’s destruction still bothered her. So they decided to ask Neon for the footage the machine had recorded, and upon reviewing it, they discovered that the drone had been destroyed by Hana's Wind Release flower petals.

The siblings ran into the forest looking for Kae and Hana. The assassin tried to convince the princess to accompany her deeper into the forest but was interrupted by Kawaki and Himawari once again. Dark Hana used smoke bombs to distract the siblings and took Kae into her arms before running away.
Kawaki and Himawari chased after her, claiming that this was not the real Hana. The dark version of the teacher mocked them, telling them she was the only real version of Hana. The woman used a Wind-Release Jutsu to distract the siblings as she began running once more. Boruto episode 271 with Hana using a Kunai to seemingly kill Kae in front of Kawaki and Himawari.
The fandom noted that in Boruto episode 271, Himawari attempted to use her father’s talk no Jutsu to save Hana from her darkness. Unfortunately, it did not work, as the teacher simply ignored her former students. Fortunately, fans are happy that Kawaki was there to protect her.
The community is also reeling from Kae's death. Fans had already predicted that the princess would die at some point during the story. While some question whether the princess is truly dead, many others believe that this will be the catalyst for Kawaki's hatred of Shinobi.
Final thoughts

Boruto episode 271 is without a doubt the darkest entry in the Academy arc yet. From the beginning, fans witnessed how unhinged and dangerous the dark version of Hana can be. Not only did she attack an innocent puppy, but she also took the food away from her students. The woman is ready to do anything as long as she can accomplish her mission.
Seeing the kids struggle to survive, despite their upbeat attitudes, is nerve-racking. The most shocking scene in the episode, however, has to be Kae's apparent murder. For months, fans speculated that the princess would die at some point during the arc. Still, no one expected it to happen so quickly, as if it were a trivial matter.
Unfortunately, the kids are still in danger because Dark Hana is still lurking around the forest. In the next episode, they will band together to bring down their former teacher. Let’s just hope that the next episode manages to resolve the issues created by Boruto episode 271.