The My Hero Academia finale, released on August 5, 2024, marked the definitive conclusion to one of the new generation's most popular and beloved shonen manga. By balancing the majority of the series' character arcs with their respective consequences, the My Hero Academia finale provided an overall satisfactory and realistic conclusion to Kohei Horikoshi's magnum opus.
However, out of all the characters, there is one particular fan-favorite character whose fate was highly anticipated by almost the entire fanbase. The character is none other than everyone's favorite Winged Hero - Hawks, whose fate in the My Hero Academia finale turned out to be the perfect resolution to his tragic past and entire character overall.
Explaining Hawks' fate in the My Hero Academia finale
In My Hero Academia, Keigo Takami, aka the Pro Hero Hawks, became one of the most well-liked and influential characters soon after his introduction. Apart from his powerful and highly versatile Quirk, Hawks' popularity among fans can also be attributed to his suave and carefree personality.
However, Hawks' life as a Pro Hero ended abruptly in the Final War arc, where he put up an impressive fight against All For One despite his Quirk being in a critical state. Ultimately, Hawks suffered a crushing defeat at the hands of All For One, following which the latter stole his Quirk, thereby turning him into a regular human.
That said, weeks after the conclusion of the Final War, Hawks made his highly anticipated appearance in My Hero Academia chapter 426, where he revealed that he was named the new president of the Hero Public Safety Commission.
Hawks becoming the president of the Hero Public Safety Commission implied that the Hero society was finally witnessing a positive change, and this is because the job was of an extremely high status. It was widely considered one of the most important roles in Japan since the president of the organization had almost unlimited power to dictate the laws that governed the Heroes.
As such, a Quirkless person would have never been previously allowed to assume such a crucial role in the Hero society. However, making Hawks president meant society was finally becoming more accepting of Quirkless people.
Despite being rendered Quirkless by the war, Hawks never gave up on his desire to bring about a positive change in the Hero society. As president of the Hero Public Safety Commission, he now possesses the power to make change and ensure no one has to suffer the cruelties he and Lady Nagant went through as agents of a corrupt government.
Hawks was taken in by the Hero Public Safety Commission at a young age, where he served as a replacement for Lady Nagant. Although the organization was trusted by society to keep the peace and improve the balance between Heroes and regular people, it had an underlying corruptness in its acts to protect society's image of the Heroes.
The Hero Public Safety Commission treated their workers as disposable assets, as they recruited people from the lower side of society to do their dirty work. As seen in the respective cases of Hawks and Lady Nagant, they had to endure harsh training regiments. After completing them, they were tasked with committing unspeakable atrocities, including eliminating those villains and corrupted Heroes, who the Commission did not want to handle through legal procedures.
However, unlike Lady Nagant, Hawks retained his optimism and desire to become a great hero. Seeing as to how he is now the new president of the Hero Public Safety Commission in the My Hero Academia finale, Hawks finally has the opportunity to change people's lives for the better and to ensure no one else has to go through the tragedies he once went through in his past.
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