Ever since Hell's Paradise premiered, fans have been amazed by Gabimaru's antics as he never fails to amuse the audience with his unique fighting style and ninja techniques. While he has a wide variety of techniques up his sleeve, he has only showcased a few of them in the anime, which demands further exploration.
Yuji Kaku's Hell's Paradise: Jigokuraku follows the story of Gabimaru the Hollow, a ninja of the Iwagakure Village, who was given a life sentence. However, he got an invite to join the search for the Elixir of Life in Shinsenkyo, succeeding in which, would help him receive a pardon.
Ninpo: Unformed Blade and 6 other ninja techniques used by Gabimaru in Hell's Paradise
1) Ninpo: Ascetic Blaze

Ascetic Blaze was the first ninja technique shown by Gabimaru in the anime's first episode as he increased his body's temperature, allowing it to ignite the oil on his skin. Engulfed in such flames, he can attack an opponent and burn them to death.
The same technique can also be combined with other ninja techniques to increase efficiency.
2) Ninpo: Stone Storm

Stone Storm is a ninja technique that sees Gabimaru storm the ground below him to send the gravel or rocks at his feet mid-air. Upon reaching mid-air, Gabimaru hits the gravel or rocks altogether with a swift kick to send projectiles towards his opponent.
Gabimaru uses this technique to attack an opponent he should not get close to. This allows him to analyze his opponent better.
3) Ninpo: Unformed Blade

Unformed Blade is a ninja technique where Gabimaru is seen removing his belt and using it to slash his enemies. The Unformed Blade is said to be comparable to steel.
Gabimaru first used Unformed Blade against Rokurouta, but his attack was stopped before its full effects were shown.
4) Ninpo: Stone Storm, Ascetic Blaze Mode

As the name suggests, Stone Storm, Ascetic Blaze Mode is simply Stone Storm, but the rocks or gravels are set on fire using the Ascetic Blaze. Unlike his Ascetic Blaze that needs to be used with certain contact, Stone Storm, Ascetic Blaze Mode can be used from a distance.
This attack allows Gabimaru to effectively use Ascetic Blaze from a distance rather than up close to an opponent.
5) Ninpo: Zephyr Weave, Ascetic Blaze Mode

While Zephyr Weave wasn't shown in the anime or manga, Gabimaru used the technique to send a fireball towards his opponent Rokurouta.
As observed from the anime, Gabimaru was seen holding a rock in his hand, which he blew towards Rokurouta while lighting it on fire with Ascetic Blaze.
6) Ninpo: Grand Crag, Ascetic Blaze Mode

Similar to Zephyr Weave, which was not shown either in anime or manga, Grand Crag hasn't been shown in either format.
However, as observable in the anime, Gabimaru grabs a giant boulder and sets it on fire using Ascetic Blaze. He then hurls the boulder at his opponent, which altogether he calls Ninpo: Grand Crag, Ascetic Blaze Mode.
7) Ninpo: Quilt of Thorns, Ascetic Blaze Mode

While the anime did not give enough time for fans to understand this attack, Gabimaru is seen grabbing a tree and setting it on fire using Ascetic Blaze and then thrusting the same towards his opponent Rokurouta.
Similar to some of the above jutsu, the true nature of Quilt of Thorns itself is not known to the audience.
With the Hell's Paradise anime only having released a few episodes till now, there is still a lot of time for Gabimaru to display his other ninja techniques. However, fans will have to wait for them.