The manga series Boruto: Two Blue Vortex has gained significant popularity since its release. One of the most fascinating aspects of the series is the intricate relationships between the characters. Of particular interest is the dynamic between Himawari and Kawaki, which has sparked numerous discussions among fans.
Many enthusiasts believe that after the time skip, Himawari takes it upon herself to believe in Boruto rather than her brother Kawaki. This notion becomes apparent in Boruto: Two Blue Vortex.
Himawari Uzumaki holds a special place in the hearts of Boruto: Naruto Next Generations fans. She embodies kindness, compassion, and remarkable ninja skills. Himawari is deeply committed to supporting her loved ones, and her character shines brightly.
However, an intriguing shift is observed in the pages of the Boruto: Two Blue Vortex manga regarding how Himawari feels about Boruto. Despite his apparent betrayal of their village and involvement in Naruto's tragic fate, she displays an unusual degree of understanding and trust towards him.
Boruto: Two Blue Vortex - Analyzing Himawari's Behaviour Towards Kawaki
Himawari, from the Boruto series, is renowned for her remarkable compassion and empathy. Himawari possesses a unique gift for perceiving the goodness within people, even when others are unable to do so. This incredible trait becomes apparent in Boruto: Two Blue Vortex when she displays unwavering compassion and empathy towards Boruto, sensing his inherent goodness.
However, numerous fans believe that her compassion towards Boruto might be attributed to her memories of Kawaki. These memories stem from events that occurred before the time skip. She recalls the daring moment when Kawaki risked everything to rescue both her and Naruto.
After Eida's Omnipotence, the roles of Boruto and Kawaki have switched. Now, Boruto has been labeled as the Hokage Killer - the one responsible for the death of Uzumaki Naruto. Despite Boruto's transformation into an enemy of the Hidden Leaf, Himawari remains steadfast in her belief that he is not inherently evil and can still find redemption.
Himawari, unlike Sarada or Sumire, lacks actual recollection of the events that took place. Instead, her perception of Kawaki is shaped by the hypothetical truth emerging. This explains her display of empathy and compassion towards Boruto, despite him not being the one in need.
Recap of Chapter 1 of Boruto: Two Blue Vortex
Chapter 1 of Boruto: Two Blue Vortex marks the start of the second part of the Boruto manga series. It takes place three years after a significant time jump. The chapter commences with Sarada Uchiha's efforts to persuade Shikamaru Nara, the newly appointed Eighth Hokage, that Boruto is innocent and not responsible for Naruto's alleged demise.
However, despite her efforts being in vain, she reminds Shikamaru that Naruto Uzumaki is his role model, not him. The chapter concludes with Boruto's return to Konoha, showcasing his new design and heightened power. An imminent three-way battle between Boruto, Code, and Kawaki awaits.
The chapter sets the stage for future actions while leaving fans wondering about Sasuke's fate. In general, it was an intriguing and necessary setup that immerses readers in the evolving world shaped by Eida's Omnipotence. The chapter holds promises of significant character development and intense confrontations, stirring intrigue among fans.
Final conclusion
The Boruto: Two Blue Vortex manga series delves into intricate dynamics and relationships, showcasing the captivating evolution of its characters within the Boruto universe. Himawari Uzumaki's interactions with both Boruto and Kawaki serve as a testament to her exceptional empathy and compassion, qualities that have undoubtedly endeared her to fans.
Upon closer analysis, it becomes apparent that her actions are not solely aimed at Boruto. Instead, they bear the profound influence of her memories with Kawaki before the time skip. This adds layers of complexity to the storyline, prompting questions about redemption, forgiveness, and the true essence of individuals. As a result, readers find themselves eagerly anticipating further developments in this captivating manga series.