Thursday, May 30, 2024, saw the alleged spoilers and raw scans leaked for the upcoming installment in author and illustrator Kohei Horikoshi’s My Hero Academia manga series. While these images and details are not certified by or coming from Shueisha, the series’ spoiler process has historically proven accurate when compared to corresponding official releases.
Likewise, My Hero Academia fans were incredibly excited to see a comment from Horikoshi himself in the details, which lead series leaker @RukasuMHA (Rukasu) posted to their X/Twitter account. According to the quote, Horikoshi views his manga as the type that can’t “immediately end after the fighting is done, so [he’ll] keep going for a while.”
This was a major relief for fans, who were concerned that the series would end on a relatively dreary note considering recent events and also finish without fully resolving all plotlines. That being said, My Hero Academia fans are unsure what to expect from what’s left in the series, which doesn’t appear to be much based on chapter 424’s alleged title of “Epilogue.”
My Hero Academia likely to spend several chapters giving updates on characters, Quirks, and more before ending
For starters, My Hero Academia will first apparently focus on seeing protagonist Izuku “Deku” Midoriya and co-experience a relatively normal school life. This is evident by Horikoshi’s full quote, as seen in the X post above, in which he tells readers that they’re “going back to the title.” This is a reference to the “Academia” portion of the title, considering that the “Hero” portion has now seemingly been all but concluded.
Likewise, it does seem certain that the series will end with Tenko Shimura/Tomura Shigaraki having died a physical death after having All For One take over his body. The several-time skip in chapter 424, combined with the characters’ comments on his death, all but cements this to be the case.
However, there is a chance that Shigaraki’s vestige could reappear before My Hero Academia’s end, bringing readers to the next major plot point that needs to be covered. While Deku did give up One For All, which chapter 424 confirms again, the issue also emphasizes that even days later, he still has the Quirk’s embers burning inside him.
While additional dialogue suggests that he won’t be getting One For All back, it’s possible that he could be getting an entirely new Quirk born from merging One For All and All For One (the Quirk). This would explain why Deku feels “embers” of One For All lingering and would also give him a way to find closure with Shigaraki/Shimura. While Deku’s closure has been relatively sufficient, it would be nice to see Shigaraki given one more final appearance in the series.
Fans are also concerned with other villains, namely Hero Killer Stain, Himiko Toga, and Toya Todoroki, also known as Dabi. All three were last seen either heavily injured or on the brink of death and have not had their statuses updated since the last time they were seen. With these three characters’ popularity, it’s almost certain that Horikoshi will update their status before the series ends.
Beyond this, however, the series needs to cover little of any real importance. Chapter 424 seemingly covered the final conversation between Deku, All Might, and Bakugo, while most other characters received their arc conclusions during the war. Although Horikoshi could have some curveballs planned for fans, it’s more likely than not that the above motions will be run through over what should be the series’ final few chapters, no more than 10 at most.
Related links
- My Hero Academia chapter 424 spoilers
- My Hero Academia chapter 424 official release date and time
- Does Deku still have a Quirk after My Hero Academia's final war? Chapter 424 spoilers give the answer