Katsuki Bakugo, Izuku Midoriya, and Shoto Todoroki are the protagonist trio of My Hero Academia, each of which enjoyed screen time and character development. However, the series deprived the fandom of another trio, which was more centered on friendship. This happened because Ida was sidelined and portrayed as too obsessed with revenge.
During the Versus Hero Killer arc, Ida received news that Stain had disabled his brother's quirk. Frustrated with the slow official response, Ida took matters into his own hands. He craved revenge, and for this purpose, he was sidelined, causing the fandom to lose one of the coolest trios in the series.
Disclaimer: Any opinions expressed in this article solely belong to the author.
My Hero Academia- Exploring why Ida's obsession with revenge robbed the fandom of a friendship trio
Tenya Ida is the youngest child of the Ida family and the class representative of Class 1-A of the U.A. High School. He inherited his family quirk, Engine, which gave him insane speed. With his natural talent, he soon became one of the top students in U.A., as evident from his status as the class representative.
However, at the start of the series, Ida was more open to everyone, and that was when he met Deku and Uravity. After the Entrance Exam, while Ida was thinking about fortifying his weaknesses, he ran into Deku.
As they continued their conversation, Uraraka also joined them. Their talk started with why Izuku was called Deku, and as the days progressed, they started sitting together for lunch and became a trio. The group was not made based on each character's competitiveness in the class, but rather on friendship.
However, things changed soon after an incident during the Versus Hero Killer arc of My Hero Academia, which took a toll on Ida. His brother, Ingenium, was critically injured by the Hero Killer Stain and this made Ingenium unable to use his quirk. As the officials kept their investigation on high alert, Ida stood and waited for the Hero Killer to make his next move.
He took matters into his own hands and started investigating the whereabouts of Stain. For this purpose, he sacrificed the limelight and was recruited as a sidekick to a local hero who used to patrol the area where Stain had been sighted before. Unfortunately, this also affected his trio with Deku and Uraraka, and these three never sat together after this incident.
Final thoughts
Even though their friendship wasn't affected after their trio broke, their chemistry as a group was sacrificed as they stopped talking to each other as often as they used to in the past. Ida being sidelined robbed the fandom of a golden trio that potentially could have achieved big things in the future.
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