Erased, or Boku dake ga Inai Machi, is an enthralling anime series that gained immense popularity upon its release. This captivating show is based on the manga of the same name by Kei Sanbe and follows the story of Satoru Fujinuma. Satoru is a struggling manga artist with an extraordinary ability to travel back in time and prevent tragedies from occurring.
Erased received extensive acclaim for its gripping storyline, well-developed characters, and emotional depth. However, the series stumbled in its concluding moments, subsequently leaving a multitude of disappointed viewers who questioned the overall quality of the show.
The downfall of the Erased anime series
The ending of Erased failed to meet expectations due to its rushed and unsatisfying resolution. Despite effectively building tension and intrigue throughout the series, engrossing the audience in the mystery surrounding a serial killer who jeopardizes Satoru's loved ones, the final episodes fall short by neglecting to provide a logical and fulfilling conclusion. This leaves key plot points unresolved and character arcs underdeveloped.
Furthermore, the pacing in the final episodes exhibits an uneven flow, as the plot races forward at an excessively rapid pace. This haste compromises the depth and intricacy that characterized earlier episodes, leaving spectators yearning for a more nuanced and comprehensive exploration of the story's key themes. The hurried conclusion dampens the impact of the narrative and leaves crucial inquiries unanswered, ultimately undermining the overall quality of the series.
The conclusion of Erased generates different opinions among both fans and critics. To tie up loose ends, the anime takes a different path from its source material, straying from the manga's intricate and multi-layered resolution. However, without giving away major plot points, the anime settles for a more convenient and simplistic explanation. This ultimately diminishes the suspense and intellectual engagement that captivated viewers throughout the series.
The ending of the story receives notable criticism for its inadequate character development. Some characters, initially portrayed as significant and integral to the plot, are abruptly sidelined or reduced to mere plot devices. This neglect of character arcs and the rushed resolution leaves viewers feeling disconnected from the emotional investment they had built, ultimately diminishing the impact of the storytelling.
How the ending of Erased anime could have been better
Sticking to the original manga's conclusion could have significantly improved the ending. Readers embraced the manga's conclusion, finding it both satisfying and conclusive. By faithfully adapting the manga's finale, the anime could have crafted a more cohesive and emotionally impactful final act.
Where to watch the Erased anime
Fans can find the anime on various streaming platforms like Crunchyroll, Hulu, and Netflix. These popular options provide access to the entire series, allowing viewers to witness firsthand the captivating story that enthralled and frustrated audiences worldwide.
Final thoughts
Erased proved to be a captivating and exciting anime series. However, its ending failed to live up to the expectations set by its gripping storytelling and well-developed characters. The rushed resolution, lack of character growth, and deviation from the source material all contributed to the disappointment experienced by many viewers.
Despite these flaws, Erased still showcases moments of brilliance, highlighting its potential to be an exceptional series. Ultimately, the anime's conclusion serves as a reminder of the delicate balance between delivering a satisfying ending and risking damage to an otherwise commendable body of work.