Black Clover is a popular Japanese anime series based on the manga of the same name by Yuki Tabata. The anime adaptation of Black Clover premiered in Japan on October 3, 2017, and has since gained a massive following worldwide. The series follows the story of Asta, a young boy born without magic in a world where magic is everything. With the help of his friends and his rare anti-magic sword, Asta sets out on a journey to fulfill his dream of becoming the Wizard King, the most powerful mage in the land.
As of March 2023, there are a total of 170 episodes of Black Clover. The first season of the anime series, consisting of 51 episodes, aired from October 3, 2017, to September 25, 2018. The second season, consisting of 51 episodes, aired from October 2, 2018, to September 24, 2019. The third season, consisting of 52 episodes, aired from October 1, 2019, to December 1, 2020. The fourth season of the anime series, consisting of 16 episodes, aired from December 8, 2020, to March 30, 2021, marking the end of the anime adaptation of the manga series so far. Black Clover is supposed to release season 5 of the anime; however, the anime adaptation is getting delayed as the author of the manga needs time to cover enough manga material for an anime adaptation.
The anime adaptation of Black Clover was produced by the animation studio Pierrot, known for producing popular anime series such as Naruto and Bleach. The series was directed by Tatsuya Yoshihara, with Kazuyuki Fudeyasu handling the series composition and Itsuko Takeda designing the characters.
The anime adaptation of Black Clover has been widely praised for its animation, soundtrack, and voice acting. The series has also been credited for its fast-paced action scenes, compelling storyline, and dynamic characters.
In conclusion, Black Clover has a total of 170 episodes in its anime adaptation. Black Clover is a beloved and popular series among fans, and its impact on the anime and manga community is undeniable.