The anime adventure TV show Scott Pilgrim Takes Off was created by BenDavid Grabinski and Bryan Lee O'Malley for Netflix. The English voice cast of the series features all of the main cast members from the 2010 film adaptation of Scott Pilgrim vs. the World, which is based on the comic novels written and drawn by O'Malley. The series was released on November 17, 2023. There are a total of 8 episodes in the series. All episodes were released on the same date on Netflix.
List of Episodes in Scott Pilgrim Takes Off
Here is a list of all episodes in the anime series.
S no. | Episode Title | Release Date |
1 | Scott Pilgrim's Precious Little Life | November 17, 2023 |
2 | A League of Their Own | November 17, 2023 |
3 | Remona Rents a Video | November 17, 2023 |
4 | Whatever | November 17, 2023 |
5 | Lights. Camera. Sparks? | November 17, 2023 |
6 | Whodidit | November 17, 2023 |
7 | 2 Scott 2 Pilgrim | November 17, 2023 |
8 | The World vs. Scott Pilgrim | November 17, 2023 |
The show is a different take on the original Scott Pilgrim graphic novel series and film, and it is set in Toronto, Canada. Like the first series, Scott Pilgrim, an indie band bassist, falls in love with the mysterious delivery girl Ramona Flowers, drawing the attention of Ramona's seven malevolent ex-partners.
When Scott appears to be murdered in his fight with Ramona's first wicked ex, Matthew Patel, things take an unexpected turn. Because of this, everyone's lives, including the lives of Ramona's terrible ex-boyfriends, undergo significant changes. As a result, Ramona discovers that Scott might still be alive and begins looking for him.
Reuniting with their roles, the cast of the 2010 picture was confirmed by Netflix in a cast announcement video that was broadcast on March 30, 2023. Wright had brought together the cast of the movie and assisted in convincing them to come back for the anime. His reflection read, "One of the proudest and most enjoyable achievements of [his] career" was casting and working on the movie.
The group was thrilled to be working on another Scott Pilgrim project when they got back together for the 10th-anniversary celebrations. The casting announcement for the movie did not include Shota and Keita Saito, who played the non-speaking Katayanagi twins; it was later revealed that Julian Cihi would provide the twins' voices.
Read More About Cast of Scott Pilgrim Takes Off
FAQs on episodes in Scott Pilgrim Takes Off
A. Each episode of the Scott Pilgrim Takes Off anime is between 26-29 minutes long.
A. There are 8 episodes in the Scott Pilgrim Takes Off anime series.
A. Scott Pilgrim Takes Off has a different plot from the movie, which is a very accurate representation of the comics. In the first episode, the main character, Scott Pilgrim, vanishes.