Tokyo Revengers recently concluded its second season with the release of episode 13 on April 2, 2023. The second installment of the anime series adapted chapters from the Valhalla Arc, the Black Dragon Arc, and the first three chapters of the Tenjiku Arc. There are a total of three story arcs left to be animated, including the Tenjiku Arc.
Now that season 2 is over, it will take some time for the studio to announce and confirm the production of the third installment. Meanwhile, those who would like to go ahead and read the manga can start with the Tenjiku Arc and complete the remaining portions.
This article will give a detailed list of the number of story arcs, their respective chapters, and the plot of the upcoming story arc that will be featured in the third season.
Disclaimer: This article contains spoilers from the Tokyo Revengers manga.
Tokyo Revengers: Status of the anime and manga
Tokyo Revengers currently finished airing two entire seasons. Season 2 of the series adapted four chapters from the Valhalla Arc, the entirety (44 chapters) of the Black Dragon Arc, and the first three chapters from the Tenjiku Arc. Following this, there are two more prominent arcs that conclude the story of Tokyo Revengers. Here’s a list of the story arcs and their respective chapters:
- Toman arc: Chapters 1-12
- Moebius arc: Chapters 13-33
- Valhalla arc: Chapters 34-77
- Black Dragon arc: Chapters 78-121
- Tenjiku arc: Chapters 122-185
- Bonten arc: Chapters 186-206
- Final arc: Chapters 207-278
It is noteworthy to mention that the Final Arc is further split into the Three Deities Arc and the Kanto Manji Arc, which account for a total of 72 chapters.
What can fans expect if and when Tokyo Revengers season 3 is announced
The Tenjiku arc has been confirmed by official sources and the anime will likely continue to put out either 12-episode or 13-episode seasons. If that is the case, the entirety of season 3 can focus on the said arc.
In the previous installment, only 51 chapters were adapted. This means anywhere between 50-60 chapters is the ideal number that the animation studio will look to adapt to retain the same pacing.
The previous season had adapted the first three chapters of the Tenjiku arc, which means there are about 61 chapters left for the studio to adapt.
Tenjiku Arc plot
In this arc, a new gang called Tenjiku will be introduced, which is a group that is led by the fearsome Izana Kurokawa. He is a well-known name amongst many delinquents since he was the leader of the Eighth Generation Black Dragons. Kisaki Tetta will join Tenjiku since they have only one goal in common, and this to utterly destroy Tokyo Manji Gang.
Takemichi Hanagaki has seen the future - Toman, morphed into something ugly because of Mikey’s twisted ideas. He resolved to get stronger and rise within the ranks of Toman and put an end to Kisaki Tetta’s plans. But, with the rise of Tenjiku, how will Takemichi and the rest of his crew fare against the most powerful gang from Yokohama, with Tetta on their side? Only time will tell.