Dragon Ball fans have watched Son Goku grow and mature since 1984. Starting as a rambunctious child in the original Dragon Ball series, Goku has evolved into one of the strongest beings in the Dragon Ball Super multiverse.
With so many story arcs and timelines to follow, it's difficult to keep track of Goku's age. This article will cover Goku's age at the end of every Dragon Ball series.
Goku's age at the end of every Dragon Ball series
Dragon Ball

When fans first meet Goku at the beginning of Dragon Ball, he is only 12 years old.
The events of the first Dragon Ball installment took place over a seven-year span. The cheeky protagonist saw a lot of growth during this era. Not only did he grow much stronger, but he grew so much while training with Kami-sama that his friends almost didn't recognize him. The series ends shortly after Goku's climactic battle with Demon Jr (Piccolo) at the Strongest Under The Heavens Tournament, closing with Goku at age 19.
Dragon Ball Z

The events at the start of Dragon Ball Z take place five years after Goku's victory at the Strongest Under The Heavens Tournament. Goku is 24 years old when Raditz kidnaps Gohan and sets off an epic chain of events.
So many sagas are covered in Dragon Ball Z. The Z Fighters leave Earth for the first time, defend the Earth from a plethora of threats, meet multiple Gods, and finally save the entire galaxy. By the end of Dragon Ball Z, 13 years have transpired. Goku is 37 years old when he says goodbye to Kid Buu with a monologue and a massive Spirit Bomb.
Dragon Ball Super

At the beginning of Dragon Ball Super, Goku is 41 years old. This is the age at which he first obtained God Ki. The extremely high-stakes events of Dragon Ball Super take place in only a two-year span, meaning that Goku is 43 at the end of Super.
This may have been the Saiyan's fastest progression given that he achieved Super Saiyan God, Super Saiyan Blue, and Ultra Instinct, all in just two years. The Tournament of Power definitely impacted Goku's progression, as well as the gravity of what was at stake.
Super Dragon Ball Heroes

Super Dragon Ball Heroes takes place directly after the events of Dragon Ball Super. Therefore, Goku is 43 at the beginning of the newest Dragon Ball series.
Super Dragon Ball Heroes is still being produced, so it's impossible to say at this point how old he will be when the series ends. Regardless, fans may wonder if the ever-evolving Saiyan will stop fighting anytime soon, or if his will is simply too powerful to be defeated by age.
Dragon Ball fans have been heavily anticipating the release of the upcoming movie, Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero. While there is still much to be revealed, it has been implied that the events of the film take place around a year before the Peaceful World Saga. Therefore, Goku is estimated to be around 46 years old at the start of the film.
Many Dragon Ball fans have enjoyed the treat of growing up alongside their favorite anime protagonist. With the continuous development of Dragon Ball anime, manga, movies, and games, fans can keep up with the ever-exciting adventures of Goku from adolescence to adulthood.