With Chainsaw Man's ever-increasing popularity, it was a given that fans would get attached to its main characters. That being said, there is a lot fans do not know about Chainsaw Man's main characters, especially their ages. While a few characters have already revealed their age, not all characters from the main cast have done the same.
Chainsaw Man is currently adapting the Katana Man Arc. The previous episode of the anime saw the introduction of Angel Devil, Shark Fiend, Violence Fiend, and Spider Devil. They are now part of the Special Division as they take on the Katana Man and Akane Sawatari.
Disclaimer: This article contains spoilers from the Chainsaw Man manga.
How old are the Chainsaw Man main characters?

While Denji has revealed himself to be 16, the other main characters in the anime are yet to reveal their ages. Thus, fans of the anime are left in the dark about how old they are.
In the manga, Denji has already had his 17th birthday, after which some time has already passed, leaving him to be somewhere around 17 or 18 years old.
How old is Power?

Power's age is unknown as she is a Fiend. She was formerly the Blood Devil, after which she took over the corpse of a girl to take control of it, making her the Blood Fiend. While the age of the Blood Devil itself cannot be predicted, one can predict the age of the corpse the Blood Devil has taken over to be somewhere around 16 years old, similar to that of Denji.
How old is Aki Hayakawa?

Aki Hayakawa's age, similar to several other characters in the series, hasn't been revealed to the audience. However, it is pretty evident that he is only a few years older than Denji. Given that the minimum age for employment in Japan is 15, he most likely did not join Public Safety before that.
Additionally, it was revealed by Makima that Aki had worked in the organization for three years before Denji joined, which could mean that Aki is somewhere around 18–20 years old. We can come to this conclusion given that Aki has been wanting to avenge his family ever since he was a child, and the chances of him not joining the workforce as soon as possible seems thin.
How old is Makima?

As revealed in the manga, Makima is the Control Devil, meaning that she does not really age. As for her physique, she seems to be in her early twenties, somewhere around 22–25 years old.
But, if we were to guess the Control Devil's age, we'd have to say she's at least 79 years old. In the manga, she was seen revealing that she remembers World War II and the formation of the Nazis, which is something that began after the end of the first World War, which ended back in 1918. The story of Chainsaw Man itself takes place in 1997.
This must mean that Control Devil could be even centuries old, depending on when people started fearing control. If we look at real-life history, Attila the Hun (ruling between A.D. 434 and 453) was known to be one of the first cruel kings, who could have initiated the fear of control among the masses.