Violet Evergarden, a Japanese light novel series written by Kana Akatsuki and illustrated by Akiko Takase, captivated readers from December 2015 to March 2020. Published under Kyoto Animation's KA Esuma Bunko imprint, the story revolves around Violet Evergarden, a former soldier who finds purpose in her new role at a postal company. Tasked with composing heartfelt letters that bridge the gap between people, her journey unfolds amidst adversity and self-discovery.
The anime series, released in 2018, has gained significant popularity. One of the most discussed topics within the anime revolves around the debatable age difference between Violet and Gilbert.
The Controversial Age Gap between Violet Evergarden and Gilbert, Explained
The age gap between Violet and Gilbert has sparked discussions among fans of the series. In the anime, it is estimated that Violet is 14 years old based on what she reveals to Queen Charlotte in the 5th episode. On the contrary, Gilbert is believed to be 29 years old, resulting in a significant 15-year difference between them. Despite this age gap, Gilbert harbors deep affection for Violet, as evidenced by numerous heartfelt scenes throughout the series.
Some fans have raised concerns regarding the appropriateness of a romantic relationship between two characters who have a significant age difference. However, it is essential to acknowledge that such an age gap was considered normal during that period, particularly among royals. Additionally, it is crucial to understand that in the anime, the bond between Violet and Gilbert is not explicitly romantic. Instead, it embodies a paternal love where Gilbert deeply cares for Violet's well-being.
It is important to note that the anime does not explicitly state Violet's age. Instead, other characters estimate her age. As a result, the precise age of Violet remains unknown, and the age gap between her and Gilbert can only be approximated. Nevertheless, it is evident that there exists a significant disparity in age between these two characters.
Plot of the
Violet Evergarden
The anime tells the story of Violet Evergarden, a young former soldier who embarks on a journey to discover her purpose in the aftermath of war. After being hired by a postal company, she uses her writing skills to help individuals convey their emotions through letters. Along her path, Violet realizes the immense impact of words in connecting people's hearts. This enlightening experience also leads her to explore various forms of love shared among partners and loved ones.
Team and Cast Behind the Anime
The anime adaptation of Violet Evergarden was created by Kyoto Animation and directed by Taichi Ishidate and Haruka Fuita. It features a talented cast, including Yui Ishikawa as Violet Evergarden, Daisuke Namikawa as Gilbert Bougainvillea, and Takehito Koyasu as Claudia Hodgins. Reiko Yoshida contributed as the writer of the series, while Evan Call composed the beautiful music that accompanies it.
The anime Violet Evergarden features a notable age gap between protagonists Violet and Gilbert, estimated to be 15 years. While some fans have expressed concerns over the appropriateness of a potential romantic relationship given this significant age difference, it is crucial to recognize that the anime does not explicitly depict their connection as romantic in nature.
Instead, Gilbert's love for Violet takes on a paternal nature as he deeply cares for her well-being. The anime delves into the journey of Violet Evergarden, a young ex-soldier striving to find her purpose in the post-war world. Kyoto Animation produced the anime adaptation, helmed by director Taichi Ishidate. Reiko Yoshida penned the series while Evan Call composed its captivating music.