Among Black Clover's Magic Knights Squad Captains stands the intriguing Jack the Ripper, Captain of the Green Mantis Squad. A former commoner, Jack decided to join the Magic Knights after he slew the monster that took his father's life. His magic and abilities allowed him ascend the ranks and finally make Captain.
Upon introduction, his appearance might have him mistaken as an unsavory individual. However, as the series progresses, we see that there is a good reason why he reigns as Captain of the Green Mantis. In terms of strength, Patolli (leader of the Eye of the Midnight Sun) himself said that Jack the Ripper is quite a powerful and formidable foe.
Captain Jack's relative strength in Black Clover, explained
Jack the Ripper is among the more powerful Magic Knights Captains in Black Clover. As explained in greater detail below, it is his highly adaptable and versatile Slash Magic that puts him on an elite level, permitting him the ability to slice through any material or magic. His magic grows sharper and more potent as he fights which allows him to stand firm even in the toughest of fights.
His versatility equips him to go toe-to-toe with nearly any opponent and have significant chances of winning. Moreover, having been in numerous fights means he possesses tons of experience, which compliments his bloodlust well. This implies that he is able to overwhelm opponents once he lets loose. But even so, this doesn't mean that he lacks strategy. Jack has a keen eye, capable of assessing his opponents before adapting his slashes accordingly.
If put to comparison, Jack the Ripper does fall short against the likes of Julius Novachrono, Yami Sukehiro, and Mereoleona Vermillion. These characters seem to be in a league of their own and continue to evolve no matter what. But lowering the bar a little, Jack can be seen as equal or even slightly better than Nozel Silva, given that both mages possess highly versatile magic.
Jack the Ripper's abilities and powers
Jack is a master of Slash Magic and Reinforcement Magic. With Slash Magic, Jack generates blades of mana, usually on his forearms, but can form them elsewhere on his body too. Interestingly, the blades adapt to his opponent's magic the longer he fights. It has even been seen to slice through offensive Gravity Magic and Spatial Magic. Meanwhile, Reinforcement Magic boosts Jack's physical abilities.
Apart from these types of magic, Jack the Ripper possesses enhanced speed, strength, and endurance. Moreover, his attributes are further boosted thanks to him having an immensely large mana reserve. Finally, Jack holds a Three-Leaf Grimoire which contains a number of Slash-based spells, in accordance with his Slash Magic.
Jack the Ripper's notable feats
Jack the Ripper isn't just all show. The Green Mantis Captain has pulled off some impressive feats that make him worthy of the title. To begin with, Jack's power is on display during the Elf Reincarnation Arc when he battles the reincarnated elves alongside the Magic Knights. It was his Slash Magic's adaptability that made him an invaluable asset in this battle.
Next, the Green Mantis Captain holds his own against the Light Magic user Patolli, a mage believed to be among the most powerful antagonists. Jack is also seen during the Spade Kingdom Raid Arc, doing his bit in the battle against the devils. Once again, his Slash Magic's adaptability allowed him to slice through spatial distortions and complex devil magic.
Furthermore, during the Spade Kingdom Raid, Jack comes face to face with Dante Zogratis, a member of the Dark Triad. What ensues is a destructive battle of epic proportions. Although Dante utilizes strong Gravity Magic, he still has his limits tested by Jack, who makes full use of his adaptability and versatility to stand against overwhelming odds.
Related links:
- 7 Black Clover characters who can bypass Gojo's infinity
- All Magic Knight Squads in Black Clover, ranked according to strength
- Black Clover Anime: Complete filler list