The Monogatari series is a Japanese light novel that revolves around Koyomi Araragi, a third-year high school student who survives a vampire attack and finds himself assisting girls entangled with various apparitions, ghosts, beasts, spirits, and other supernatural phenomena. These occurrences frequently serve as metaphoric representations of their emotional and mental struggles.
The Monogatari series is written by Nisio Isin and illustrated by Vofan, presenting a complex and sprawling timeline, which can be overwhelming for new viewers. The show consists of 15 distinct stories intertwined with their overlapping timelines. However, two approaches to watching the Monogatari anime series are following the release order or opting for chronological order.
Decoding the Monogatari series in chronological order
Each series within the winding Monogatari timeline has its own title with -Monogatari (Japanese for 'story') as the suffix, such as Bakemonogatari (monster story), Nekomonogatari (cat story), or Onimonogatari (demon story). Monogatari consists of 12 series along with three films, featuring episodes that often overlap, creating a highly intricate chronological order.
If confusion arises, fear not; this particular method of viewing the anime series could be deemed as the most intricate. It is highly recommended solely for those who have already indulged in the show at least once. Successfully achieving this is essential to preserving the incredible dramatic tension and enigmatic allure that defines Nisio Isin's captivating light novels.
Every episode and film of Monogatari is presented in chronological order as follows:
- Kizumonogatari I: Tekketsu
- Kizumonogatari II: Nekketsu
- Kizumonogatari III: Reiketsu
- Koyomimonogatari Episode 1
- Nekomonogatari (Black) Episodes 1-4
- Bakemonogatari Episodes 1-2
- Koyomimonogatari Episode 2
- Bakemonogatari Episodes 3-15
- Koyomimonogatari Episodes 3-4
- Nisemonogatari Episodes 1-7
- Koyomimonogatari Episode 5
- Nisemonogatari Episodes 8-11
- Kabukimonogatari Episodes 1-4
- Onimonogatari Episodes 1-4
- Owarimonogatari I Episodes 8-13
- Nekomonogatari (White) Episodes 1-5
- Koyomimonogatari Episodes 6-7
- Owarimonogatari I Episodes 1-7
- Otorimonogatari Episodes 1-2
- Koyomimonogatari Episode 8
- Otorimonogatari Episodes 3-4
- Koyomimonogatari Episode 9
- Koimonogatari Episodes 1-4
- Koyomimonogatari Episode 10
- Koimonogatari Episodes 5-6
- Tsukimonogatari Episodes 1-4
- Koyomimonogatari Episodes 11-12
- Owarimonogatari II Episodes 1-7
- Zoku Owarimonogatari Episodes 1-6
- Hanamonogatari Episodes 1-5
Team Behind Monogatari Series
The creators of the Monogatari series have brought a truly extraordinary and captivating anime experience. This series is renowned for its mesmerizing storytelling, intricate character portrayals, and artistic use of language.
Through Monogatari, viewers delve deep into the lives of a diverse group of young individuals, exploring their thoughts, emotions, and relationships. Often described as an audiovisual form of therapy, this anime enchants with its meandering yet hypnotic style.
The anime adaptation of the Monogatari series is produced by Shaft, a renowned animation studio based in Suginami, Tokyo. Established in 1975, Shaft has been the creative force behind numerous notable productions, including the Monogatari series. Akiyuki Shinbo, who joined Shaft in 2004, has directed many of their noteworthy works and served as the director for the Monogatari series.
The Monogatari manga adaptation is illustrated by Oh! Great and based on the Monogatari light novel series written by Nisio Isin. The Monogatari series, published by Kodansha, follows a structured format with multiple novels grouped into "seasons."
The Monogatari series has garnered worldwide acclaim due to its distinctive storytelling, impactful dialogue, artistic use of language, and captivating characters. It has been adapted into numerous anime series, including Bakemonogatari, Nisemonogatari, and Monogatari series Second Season, among others.
The team behind it is deeply committed to delivering a thought-provoking and immersive experience, which has endeared the series to anime enthusiasts everywhere.
Final Thoughts
Monogatari is an anime masterpiece that captivates viewers with its unique and immersive qualities. While initially disorienting due to its non-linear storytelling approach, this creative choice ultimately enhances Monogatari's allure. It encourages viewers to engage in piecing together the complex puzzle of its captivating world.
By following the chronology outlined above, individuals can savor the intricately woven narrative and character development presented throughout the series.